St Chad’s College Chapel Choir represents a wide cross-section of the College, welcoming undergraduates, postgraduates and members of staff alike. We also welcome singers from other Colleges.

The Choir’s primary function is to sing at College Chapel Services during term time (Choral Eucharist on Sunday morning and Thursday evening Choral Evensong, with some additional festivals and seasonal events). The range of music is vast, from Byrd and Palestrina through to Howells, Daley, and Dove. In addition, the Choir is privileged to sing in Durham Cathedral, usually once each term. The College’s annual Advent Procession in the Cathedral is undoubtedly a highlight in this respect; the annual celebration of St Chad’s Day is another.
The College values its Choir and choral tradition highly and provides it with many opportunities to play a full and central part in the cultural life of the College. This includes regular concerts and recitals in the chapel and beyond. CD recordings have been released from time to time to mark the ever evolving membership and continuing success and development.
We are keen to see the choir representing the College in our local community through outreach projects in Durham City and within the wider region.

The Choir consists of approximately 24 singers, most of whom are informally auditioned though some previous experience of singing in a choir is desirable.
There is a total of 12 choral scholarships and 2 organ scholarships available each year in addition to the musical director scholarship. Scholars are selected by application and a friendly, formal audition. These scholarships are funded through gifts from St Chad’s alumni and friends.

Choral Scholarships available…
There are vacancies for Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass Choral Scholars from the start of the Michaelmas Term. Please contact the Director of Music for further details. Read More...
Choral Scholars are expected to play a full and central role in the life of the Choir. In addition to singing at the various Choral services in Chapel, the Choral Scholars will also be encouraged to take an interest in the broader Choir picture, including concerts and tours, social events and outreach. As such Choral Scholars need to be enthusiastic and committed. The rehearsal, service and concert schedule, typically has three slots each week. Nevertheless there are some easing-off points, and there is ample time for the well-organized to pursue their academic studies fully as well as to involve themselves in more wide-ranging activities.
In return, the College provides each Choral Scholar with an annual scholarship. Choral Scholarships are reviewed each year, and may run for anything from 1 to 4 years at the discretion of the Musical Director and Chaplain. Auditions consist of a short solo piece or choral extract, a range test (such as everyday warm-up scales or arpeggios), and sight reading. The potential for choral blend and motivation as a team-player are factors which are also considered. Priority is given to Chad’s students, but if a choral scholarship is not awarded there is still, most probably, a possible place for you in our choir! Potential applicants should click here to find out more about applying.
Organ Scholarship
Organ Scholarships are available for suitable applicants. Please contact the College Chaplain for further details. Read More... The College offers up to 2 Organ Scholarships. The Scholar is appointed by the Principal on the recommendation of the Musical Director and College Chaplain, and is responsible to the Chaplain and Musical Director. The Organ Scholar will be expected to: Essential qualities: Potential Applicants are encouraged to contact the College Chaplain for further information. Information about applying to be a scholar is available here.