Health and Safety briefing for College staff

Reporting Sickness/Absence from Work

In the event that staff are unwell or unable to attend work for another specific reason, staff must report this to their line manager or supervisor at the earliest possible opportunity. This should be done via email or phone no later than the time that you are due to start work but sooner if possible. Your line manager or supervisor will advise you as to the type of leave appropriate in the circumstances – sickness, emergency leave, annual leave etc. Further guidance on absence can be found in the Staff Handbook.

First Aid

First Aid support and supplies are available at the College Reception. All Porters are First Aid trained and can be called upon as needed by calling the College Reception on 0191 334 3358.

Fire Safety

All reasonable steps will be taken to prevent a fire occurring. In the event of fire, the safety of life will override all other considerations, such as saving property and extinguishing the fire.

The College does not require persons to attempt to extinguish a fire but extinguishing action may be taken if it is safe to do so. Immediate evacuation of the building must take place as soon as the evacuate signal is given. All occupants, on evacuation, should report to the pre-determined assembly points.

Re-entry of the building is strictly prohibited until the fire brigade officer or a senior member of staff present declares it is safe to do so.

Employees are encouraged to report any concerns regarding fire procedures so the organisation can investigate and take remedial action if necessary.

Manual Handling

To prevent injuries and long term ill-health from manual handling St Chad’s College will ensure that operations which involve manual handling are eliminated, so far as is reasonably practicable. Where it is not practical the College will carry out an assessment to determine what control measures are required to reduce the risk to an acceptable level. In considering the most appropriate controls, an ergonomic approach to designing the manual handling operation will optimise the health, safety and productivity associated with the task.

Adequate information and training will be provided to persons carrying out manual handling activities including details of the approximate weights of loads to be handled and objects with an uneven weight distribution.

No employee will be required to lift any item that they do not feel confident of doing without risking personal injury.

Employees who have a medical condition that may prevent them undertaking a task should notify their Manager/Supervisor beforehand. Should you become injured whilst handling anything then this must be reported to your Manager/Supervisor so it can be suitably investigated.

Slips, trips and falls

The College prioritises the health and safety of its staff, students and visitors. Risk assessments are carried out to ensure that accidents and injuries caused by slips, trips and falls are reduced, but everyone can play their part by:

  • reporting accidents and near misses, and
  • taking action when defects, spills, obstructions and other potential causes of slips or trips are seen – before someone is injured.

Accident Reporting

All accidents resulting in personal injury must be recorded in the College’s Accident Book, which is located in the in the Main Reception. Employees must ensure that they are aware of the location of the Accident Book.

Incidents and work related ill-health need to be reported directly to your Manager or Supervisor.

Hazardous Materials

All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure all exposure of employees to substances hazardous to health is prevented or at least controlled to within statutory limits.

The College will give sufficient information and training to ensure full understanding of the hazards to health posed by substances in the workplace and the importance of the control measures provided. Information will also be given to others who may be affected such as contractors, temporary staff and visitors where appropriate.

Employees should not use any hazardous substance unless they have received the information and training for the safe use of that substance.


Researchers estimate that cyberattacks happen an average of every 39 seconds. Reviewing how to avoid phishing scams, social engineering, and unsafe attachments is vital and could help to avoid a costly and painful data breach or malware infection.

Staff who access online systems as part of their work should remain alert to emails, telephone, pop-ups or other messages that ask information about themselves or the College to be shared. Common scams include those from delivery companies asking for you to re-enter your details for purchases you haven’t made, telephone enquiries asking for bank details or links in junk sales emails.

If you are suspicious or unsure of any request for information, please speak with your line manager in the first instance.

Office and communal space etiquette

The College expects staff to consider others in the workplace, taking care to respect individual and communal spaces

  • Employees must make proper use of all equipment and facilities provided to control working conditions/ environment.
  • Employees must keep stairways, passageways and work areas clear and in a clean and tidy condition.
  • Employees must dispose of all rubbish, scrap and waste materials within the working area, using the facilities provided.
  • Any staff facilities provided by the College should be kept clean and tidy at all times. Where provided, fridges may be used for storage of food brought into work, but fresh food should be kept in a sealed container. This is the responsibility of all employees.• Employees must clear up any spillage or liquids within the work area in the prescribed manner.
  • Employees must deposit all waste materials and substances at the correct disposal points and in the prescribed manner.

Workplace stress

Employees who experience unreasonable stress which they think may be caused by work should raise their concerns with their Manager or through the College’s grievance procedure. If deemed appropriate, the College will provide access to confidential counselling for employees affected by stress caused either by work or external factors.