Policy&Practice has been commissioned to work with Clinks to develop a database on voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations which contribute to tackling aspects of criminal justice.
Centred on North East England and Yorkshire and Humber this study, Clinks, supported by His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS), is working with Professor Tony Chapman to engage in extensive searching of register data and evidence from 360Giving to build a picture of sector activity and how it contributes to a range of criminal justice agendas. Once a list of relevant VCSE organisations has been compiled, data will be mapped against several geographical criteria including local authority and combined authority areas, by the indices of multiple deprivation and areas with specific spatial characteristic (such as urban, rural and coastal areas).
Identifying organisations engaged in aspects of criminal justice is not straight forward as many organisations work across thematic areas for a range of constituencies of public agencies, charitable foundations and beneficiaries. That is the point of the work – to look at those organisations which directly or more tangentially associate with criminal justice themes through, for example, the arts, youth organisations, sport – not just those which work specifically on issues centred on prisons and probation.
Clinks is the leading authority on the voluntary sector working in the criminal justice system across England and Wales and for over 10 years has established itself as a strong presence in the North East region. During this time Clinks has developed relationships with voluntary sector organisations, criminal justice system stakeholders and statutory sector agencies across the area including Yorkshire and Humber.
As the purpose of the project is to increase awareness and knowledge of voluntary sector organisations, Clinks will hold focus groups across the region to identify gaps in provision and debate how to limit duplication of service when developing strong relationships between the VCSE and HMPPS to improving cross-sector collaboration and to refine and focus co-commissioning approaches.
The project will culminate in a report by Clinks to the Prisons and Probation Service in spring 2025.