Searching for Books
The books in St Chad’s Library are catalogued on the University Library catalogue.
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Books are grouped by subject in each library:
Library | Where? | What? | Shelf Numbers |
Brewis | Ground Floor | Arts & Literature General Fiction Reference | 700-899 |
Fenton 1 | Top Floor | Philosophy Psychology Social Sciences General Reference (dictionaries, encyclopaedias etc) Wellbeing Careers | 0-999 |
Fenton 2 | Top Floor | Science & Technology | 500-699 |
Reserve | First Floor | Reading list books - all subjects DVDs | 0-999 |
Trounson | Top Floor | Language | 400-499 |
Williams | Ground Floor | Geography History Law Reports Criminal Law Review Theology Journals | 900-999 |
Wetherall | First Floor | Theology | 200-299 |
Borrowing Books and DVDs
Brewis, Williams, Wetherall, Fenton, Trounson
a) Fill in a green slip from one of the check-out boxes in the library rooms
b) File it in the box according to surname of author or editor
c) Fenton Libraries – check-out box is in Fenton 1, on the ledge by the door
d) Return books for these rooms in the “Returned Books” shelves or boxes in the appropriate room.
Reference books
These have a shelfmark beginning with “Ref”. They are for reference use only and must not be moved from the library rooms.
Reserve Library
These have to be checked out online by college library staff and returned to the Reserve Library.
Click here to view a full list of our DVDs or search the online library catalogue, using the Shelfmark: St Chad’s DVD