Formal sign-ups

The sign-up form is available at the SignupGenius website (see below). Please sign up for each formal you want to attend using the email address on which you receive SCR mailings.


(i) Members can go to a maximum of 3 normal formals, plus the combination and special formals, per term, with a maximum of two personal guests per formal. Tutors are now also asked to follow these guidelines – about signing up for only three formals in the first instance – when signing up at the start of term, although they are still permitted to attend more formals if space is available. College fellows may attend as many formals as they wish.  Three places at each formal are held back for college guests, and released to members the prior week, if there are no guests signed up. Signing up for these places, once you have received an e-mail stating that they have been released (usually in the SCR bulletin on the Friday the week before if there are still spaces free), does not count to your termly quota.

(ii) Please do not change the name you sign up under – there is an option to sign up using an alternative name, but we would ask that you sign up both yourself and any guests using your own name and add ‘member’ or your guest’s name as appropriate.  If you are signing up more than one member (e.g. you and a spouse), please sign the other person up under their own email.

(iii) The cost of formals is as follows. Please pay when booking via this account, indicating it’s for SCR formal

St Chad’s College
Natwest Bank
Sort code 52-30-44
Account number 05108004

For a normal formal, £22.50 per person (including pre-dinner drinks, wine and non-alcoholic beverages during the meal, coffee/tea/cheeseboard port afterwards) and £28 for an SCR Special (again including everything).  Half price for college tutors. 

(iv) Please let us know any dietary requirements (allergies, religious preferences etc) when you sign up – the kitchen will do their best to meet any requirements but we cannot guarantee this. The booking form requires a dietary choice to be made to proceed to finalise the booking.  Please note it is not acceptable to inform the waiting staff of a change to your preferences only when seated at the table.

(v) If you have signed in and do not attend, you will still be charged. You can cancel your booking up to the day before, via the online system, and any payment made will be refunded.

(vi) If you have any queries, please contact

Signup Genius

The sign-up form is available at the SignupGenius website (we recommend the use of adblocking software for your browser, which will remove the adverts from the site). If the Signupgenius form says ‘Access Code Required’, booking is not yet open.  Booking will only be open a week or two before term starts – members will be notified when booking opens. The specific URL changes every term, and members will be notified by the secretary.

To use the site, select the formal(s) you wish to sign up for, then hit the ‘Submit and Sign up’ button at the bottom of the page. You do not need to create an account, although that means you cannot amend the bookings yourself later. Remember that you have to use the email address that you signed up to the SCR mailing list with, to be approved for signup.


The menus for this term (subject to change)  can be found here (or PDF format).


2024 SCR Summer Dinner
Wednesday 14th August

We are delighted that we have a date for a SCR dinner which will give us the chance to get together over the long summer break, hopefully in summer evening sunshine. This will be on Wednesday 14th August at 7.00 for 7.30. The price of £30 per head includes a glass of prosecco or soft drink, a three course dinner (of the same standard as Special Formals), half a bottle of wine per person, cheese and biscuits with port or soft drink afterwards. Please feel free to invite guests. The dress code will be lounge suits without gowns. If any musicians would like to offer to play for us before the meal that would be wonderful; please let the President know.

Sign up here by 31st July and pay the College as for other formals.

The menu is available here.