The Sandi Russell Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship

Sandi Russell (1946-2017) was a renowned jazz singer, writer, and educator

While living in Durham, Sandi was a voice tutor for the university’s music school, initiated the city’s jazz festival, and published a novel, Color (2013), set in Tidewater County, Virginia. 

Sandi’s was a life lived for music, language, integrity, humanity and for enriching the lives of others. St Chad’s College is therefore proud to offer this scholarship in her memory to an undergraduate student of global majority heritage. 

Scholarship Overview

Amount£3,000 per academic year
Year of EntryStarting in September 2025
Number of
scholarships available
Application deadlineSunday 27 April 2025
DomicileHome, EU or International
Level of studyUndergraduate
Mode of studyFull-time
Eligibility criteriaHousehold income of less than £42,875 as determined by Student Finance England (or equivalent) and demonstrable financial need. Person of global majority heritage.
Application and
selection process
Personal statement of no more than 1,000 words and academic reference submitted to Shortlisted candidate will be invited to interview.

Successful candidates will also be asked to share a copy of their student financial support statement as proof of household income.
Interview informationProvisionally scheduled for Thursday 1 and Friday 2 May 2025
ProgrammesAll undergraduate programmes
College preferencesApplicants will be expected to demonstrate a strong desire for membership of St Chad’s College through their application and the interview process.
DurationFor the duration of an undergraduate course up to a maximum of 4 years which can include a foundation year.

Additional information

As above, recipients will be able to demonstrate ‘financial need’ – defined as a household income below £42,875. However, additional consideration will be given to applicants from neighbourhoods with low participation in higher education and from applicants who are a first generation scholar. 

Scholarship applications should include the following – 

  • a personal statement of not more than 1,000 words describing how your personal circumstances make you eligible for this award, how the bursary would help you to study at Durham University, and why you want to study at Durham University and St Chad’s College.
  • a character reference from one of your teachers in support of your scholarship application to be sent by email to Please ensure your referee submits the reference on letter headed paper which contains their name, position, contact details and your full name.

Scholarship applications are invited from 1 October one academic year before the applicant is due to begin their undergraduate studies.

All eligible applications for this scholarship will be considered on the basis of their personal statement, reference and interview by two members of College staff, tutors or governors at St Chad’s College. The financial and personal information you provide will be treated with strict confidentiality by members of the selection panel.