Director of Chapel Music Scholarship

St Chad’s College offers a scholarship for a student to carry out the duty of Director of Chapel Music for the College’s Chapel Choir.

St Chad’s College Chapel Choir represents a wide cross-section of the College, welcoming undergraduates, postgraduates and members of staff alike. The Choir consists of up to 24 singers, most of whom are informally auditioned though some singers hold Choral Scholarships from the College. We also welcome students from other Colleges within the University to be part of our choir.

Further details about the College Choir can be found here.

A detailed role description can be found here. You are also encouraged to contact the College Chaplain for further information.

Scholarship Overview

Year of EntryStarting in September 2025
Number of scholarships available1
Application deadlineSunday 27 April 2025
DomicileHome, EU or International
Level of studyUndergraduate or Postgraduate
Mode of studyFull-time
Eligibility criteriaWhilst there are no requirements for formal qualifications as a choir or ensemble director, applicants should be able to demonstrate strong experience as a confident and creative musician and have experience in leading a choir. Familiarity with music for liturgy is also highly desirable along with an ability to lead the choir both musically and organisationally.
Application and selection processPersonal statement of no more than 1,000 words and a appropriate musical reference submitted to

Your personal statement should include: 1. how your personal musical experience makes you eligible for this award; 2. how the scholarship would enable your development both academically and personally, and; 3. why you want to be part of the College community at St Chad's College.

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an in-person or online audition and interview.
Interview/audition informationProvisionally scheduled for the week beginning 5 May 2025
Additional informationThe Director of Music is expected to commit to attending all services and rehearsals and there is a strong expectation that their commitments as part of this scholarship will be prioritised.

The Director of Music will have close involvement in music choices for services in conjunction with the College Chaplain and College Organist.

Due to the level of commitment required, the College reserves the right not to award this scholarship to those who hold similar scholarships elsewhere.
ProgrammesAll undergraduate and postgraduate programmes
College preferencesIf applying as a new student who will begin their studies in September 2025, you will be expected to demonstrate a strong desire for membership of St Chad’s College through your application and the interview process.

If applying as a continuing student, you should expect to demonstrate previous involvement in College life and articulate your anticipated future contribution to St Chad's.
DurationOne academic year with the opportunity for renewal in subsequent years subject to the agreement of the Vice Principal.