Sandi Russell (1946-2017) was a renowned jazz musician, writer, and educator. St Chad’s College is proud to offer this postgraduate scholarship in her memory.
St Chad’s College will award ONE Sandi Russell Memorial Postgraduate Scholarship, worth £1,500 to a student embarking on a postgraduate degree in 2023-24 academic year.
- This scholarship is offered to applicants who identify as having a Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic (BAME) background AND / OR identify as a person of colour.
- This scholarship is offered to applicants of any gender.
- Applicants must demonstrate ‘financial need’.
Level of Study: Postgraduate
Domicile: UK/EU/International
College: Applicants must specify St Chad’s College as their College choice in their application to Durham University
Year of Entry: New applicants for the academic year starting October 2023
Mode of Study: Full-time
Duration: One year of a postgraduate programme.
Value: Successful recipients will receive £1,500 per year for one year of postgraduate study. Funding can be used as either maintenance support or payment towards tuition fees. This is a grant rather than a loan, and does not need to be repaid.
Prospective applicants must:
Stage 1: submit an academic application to Durham University via the University’s online application portal here specifying St Chad’s College as your college of choice.
Stage 2: submit to St Chad’s College via email (chads.admissions@durham.ac.uk) by 1 May 2023:
- an application including a personal statement of not more than 1,000 words describing how your personal circumstances make you eligible for this award (see Eligibility), how the bursary would help you to study at Durham University, and why you want to study at Durham University and St Chad’s College.
- a character reference from one of your lecturers/tutors in support of your scholarship application to be sent by email to chads.admissions@durham.ac.uk. Please ensure your referee submits the reference on letter headed paper which contains their name, position, contact details and your full name.
- a copy of your academic transcript to date, from your current institution OR a copy of your highest academic qualification to date.
- EITHER a copy of your final assessment Student Finance England (or equivalent) outcome (for UK applicants); OR 3 months bank statements and a copy of your P60 (for international applicants).
Scholarship applications accepted from: October 1st 2022
Deadline for submission of applications: 1 May 2023
All eligible applications for the Sandi Russell Undergraduate Scholarship will be considered on the basis of their personal statement, reference and academic status by two members of College staff at St Chad’s College. The financial and personal information you provide will be treated with strict confidentiality by members of the selection panel.
Other scholarship awards may be taken into account when considering scholarship allocation. Awards are made at the discretion of the panel. The panel reserves the right not to make an award in any given year if it is deemed that no applicant has met the criteria.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to a short informal online interview in May 2023. Interviews will be with two members of College staff.
For further information:
Email: chads.admissions@durham.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0)191 334 3357