Jonathan Douglas (St Chad’s 1988-1991) was appointed as the Director of the National Literacy Trust in 2007, having previously been Head of Policy Development at the Museums, Libraries and Archives Council. In his current role he is responsible for strategic direction, financial management and day-to-day running of the charity, which aims to transform lives through improved literacy. He has also worked in Westminster Libraries in children’s services and as a librarian, as well as having been Professional Adviser for Youth and School Libraries at the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals.

In the news recently he has been quoted in support of calls to ring-fence funding for school libraries, made by the Children’s Laureate, Chris Riddell.
“Recent surveys show that a large number of primary schools with designated library space have seen their budgets reduced and the number of librarians in English schools has fallen significantly. With wider cuts to public library services, the role of school libraries are more crucial than ever, and indeed need to expand to meet the needs of families … and as a welcoming space for the whole school community.”
For more on saving school libraries see the whole Huffington Post article. For more from Jonathan see his HuffPost blog.