All posts by Tony Chapman

June meeting of the Young People and Society Study Group

The next meeting of our Young People and Society Study Group is on Thursday, June 22nd from 3.00 – 5.00 in In the Horsfall Room, Ramsay House, St Chad’s College, 26 North Bailey (a few doors down from the Main College building).

Coffee/tea/juice and biscuits will be available from 2.45. Ramsay House, .

We have two speakers and a discussion item.

Professor Roger Smith, School of Applied Social Sciences

‘Diverting our attention. Why doesn’t the state care about youth crime and is this a good thing?’

José Luis Mateos-González, School of Applied Social Sciences

‘Student Migration: European present, uncertain future: what can British higher education lose after Brexit?’   Following these presentations and discussion, Iain Lindsey will lead a discussion on a potential new grant application on addressing obesity in primary schools.

Following these presentations and discussion, Dr  Iain Lindsey will lead a discussion on a potential new grant application on addressing obesity in primary schools.


Graduate enterprise and employability

A question of ‘retaining’ or ‘attracting’ graduates to North East England?  

A seminar organised by the Institute for Local Governance, Bridges Room, Gateshead Council, Civic Centre, Gateshead, Friday 26th May 2017, 9.30 – 1.00

Recent research from the Centre for Cities demonstrates that the North East is leeching graduates to the London and the South East of England.  The exodus of talented young people is undoubtedly a cause for concern – which has been reflected in policy statements from both the North East Local Enterprise Partnership and the Tees Valley Combined Authority. But is it the right to put too an strong emphasis on the retention of North-East graduates to secure the future of the North East economy, or should more emphasis be placed on the attraction of graduates to harness the opportunities the region presents to them?

The seminar will consider issues surrounding employer demand for graduates and ask whether the ‘offer’ presented to prospective candidates is right for graduates as well as for the region.  The seminar will also focus on the quality of graduate employment in the region by identifying the extent of ‘under-employment’ of graduates and debating it’s consequences for the incumbents of such jobs and for the region more generally.

Speakers will look at the current Creative Fuse initiatives to improve interactions between business, universities and the public sector to promote new ventures in creative industries using digital technology, arts, traditional and new communications media.  A specific case study will be presented on digital innovation and the incubation of graduate businesses at Digital City in Middlesbrough to demonstrate how long term initiatives take root.

The seminar will be Chaired by Jonathan Blackie CBE, Visiting Professor Northumbria University. Speakers will include:

  • Shona Duncan, Head of Skills, Education and Employment, Tees Valley Combined Authority, on graduate employment and underemployment in Tees Valley
  • Laura Woods, Director of Academic Enterprise, Teesside University, on the achievements and ambitions of Digital City for graduate enterprise
  • Michelle Rainbow, Skills for Business Manager, North East Local Enterprise Partnership, on the changing skills needs and generation of labour market strategy
  • Helen Ross, Project Manager, Creative Fuse North East, on building relationships across NE universities and businesses to promote graduate employment and enterprise in creative industries
  • Paul Swinney, Principal Economist, Centre for Cities, on causes and extent of graduate migration from North East England

This is the third seminar in the current season which covers a variety of topics including: welfare reform, revitalising coastal communities; evidencing personal wellbeing and social value; tackling the unforeseen consequences of unmet need; and, tackling the democratic deficit in the context of devolved responsibility.

The Institute for Local Governance is a North East Research and Knowledge Exchange Partnership established in 2009 comprising the North East region’s Universities, Local Authorities, Police and Fire and Rescue Services.  Further information about the content of the event can be obtained by contacting:- or

Presentation slides are available here: Laura Woods on Digital CityPaul Swinney on Graduate Migration; Helen Ross on Creative Fuse; Shona Duncan on Tees Valley; Michelle Rainbow on the North East LEP

Community wellbeing in Japan and the UK

Professor Yoshinori Isagai, Keio University

Chad’s College has continued to develop its research, policy and practice links with a number of universities in Japan this spring.  In addition to established connections with Tokyo, Waseda and Teikyo Universities, Professor Tony Chapman visited Keio University for a second time this spring to further develop his working relationship with Professor Yoshinori Isagai, Executive Director, Keio Research Institute at SFC, on issues surrounding community development and empowerment.

At Keio University, Professor Chapman was formally introduced to Professor Jiro Kokuryo, Vice President and Professor of Faculty of Policy Management to discuss the possibility of formalising relationships between our two universities.

Profs Chapman and Takatani

Work with long-standing colleagues at Tohoku and Sanno Universities continues with Professors Nakajima and Shibukawa on issues surrounding social enterprise and community wellbeing.  Professors Chapman and Takatani also share a strong interest in comparative studies on community architecture, urban planning and social wellbeing which continues to develop.

Next academic year it is anticipated that Professor Kanji Tanimoto from Waseda University will come to Durham on a research visit both to St Chad’s College and to Durham Business School.

The contribution sport can make to global social and economic wellbeing

Dr Iain Lindsey, School of Applied Social Sciences

The Commonwealth Secretariat will host a live debate on the role of sport in contributing to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals on 6th April 2017. The event marks the 2017 International Day of Sport for Development and Peace the Commonwealth Secretariat is convening the 2nd Commonwealth Debate on Sport and Sustainable Development.

Two teams of experts and personalities drawn from across the Commonwealth will provide a reflective and entertaining debate on the motion: ‘Corruption in elite sport undermines the potential to promote development and peace through community sports’.

Details about the debate are available here:

The debate will coincide with the launch of a major new publication for the Commonwealth Secretariat by Dr Iain Lindsey and Professor Tony Chapman.  The book offers new thinking on how to implement new policy and practice to meet the ambitious goals set by the United Nations.

The guide builds on the work of previous Commonwealth publications that have presented analysis of the role of sport in progressing sustainable development. Aimed at governmental policy-makers and other stakeholders, it provides evidenced and balanced policy options to support the effective and cost-efficient contribution of sport towards six prioritised SDGs.

The report is underpinned by an emphasis towards strengthening the means of implementation and the measurement and evaluation of progress, as emphasised by the SDGs and existing Commonwealth principles. Developed through extensive Commonwealth Secretariat-led consultation with relevant experts and organisations, it represents an important addition to the growing body of SDP publications, guides and research.

For full details of the publication, go to this web address:

Third Sector Trends Headline Report Published by IPPR

The initial headline findings from the Third Sector Trends Study, undertaken in 2016 by Professor Tony Chapman have now been published.  The study was funded by Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland (in North East England), Joseph Rowntree Foundation (in Yorkshire and the Humber) and by IPPR\North and Garfield Weston (n North West England).

The key findings were published today by IPPR in a report by Professor Tony Chapman, St Chad’s College, Durham University  and Jack Hunter of IPPR North and can be downloaded here.  third-sector-trends-in-the-north-of-England_Mar2017.

News commentary on the research can be found on IPPR\North’s website which can be accessed here:

The key findings were announced at the IPPR’s ‘Civil Society and the North Summit’ in Newcastle upon Tyne on 30th March to an audience of voluntary and community sector colleagues, policy makers and academics from across the North of England.

Detailed results from each of the three regions of the North will be published in June.

Citizens House: Building a new Community Centre in Consett

St Chad’s College Professorial Fellow, Fred Robinson and Research Fellow, Ian Zass-Ogilvie have been working closely with  Citizens House, a community group in Consett, helping them to develop and expand their community centre. Now,  three years of hard work have at last paid off: the Big Lottery has pledged over £650,000 to build a new centre.

Over the past few years, Fred and Ian have been supporting  Durham County Council’s ‘asset transfer’ programme. They have been  helping  local organisations  to take responsibility for community centres  that the Council was struggling to maintain. Of course it’s not been easy, but most of these buildings have now been successfully transferred — and are continuing to provide valuable local services.

Citizens House in Consett is one of these centres. The building doesn’t look attractive, the layout is poor and it’s outdated. But it is very well used by a remarkable variety of local groups, ranging from AA to the WI. Following asset transfer, the management committee began to think about how to modernise the building and accommodate more activities. Ideas were generated and ambitions grew.

A partnership was developed, comprising the Citizens House management committee,  officers from Durham County Council, building experts — and Fred and Ian. That partnership supported the asset transfer process, then worked on proposals to secure funding to develop plans for the future. There were a lot of hoops to jump through. There have been difficult meetings and times when it looked like it wasn’t going to work out. A great deal of work had to be done to develop plans that really could bring out the potential of Citizens House, making it a beacon of hope and community support in Consett.

The original idea was to reorder the internal layout and build on to the existing building. But, late in the day, mine workings were discovered under the site. That was a huge challenge — but partners worked together to come up with a radical Plan B. That involves demolishing the existing building, stabilising the site, and building a brand new Citizens House. The Big Lottery has agreed to provide most of the funding for the new building – a major grant of more than £650,000.

Fred commented: ‘We are delighted that Consett is going to get a new Citizens House – it’s a wonderful project. We’ve been glad to play our part in helping to make it happen and we will continue to offer our support’.

He went on: ‘This is a project that shows how research skills can be used to make a real, tangible difference – and it shows how we at St Chad’s can respond to the needs and challenges that our region faces’.

Third Sector Trends 2016 headline results to be released

A summit will be held in Newcastle to discuss civil society and the Northern Powerhouse. The event will bring together a wide range of people from the third sector and wider civil society in the North of England, in order to discuss what the Northern Powerhouse and the devolution agenda means for them, and how they can adapt to a changing landscape, in order to help build a more progressive and inclusive North.  Key topics include:

  • The opportunities and threats posed to civil society organisations by devolution and the Northern Powerhouse agenda
  • How to engage with new structures such as combined authorities and metro-mayors
  • New campaigns and movements for a fairer North

Organised by IPPR\North and funded by Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the Charities Aid Foundation, the event will take place on 30th March 2017. 9.45am – 4.30pm. Location: Event Northumbria, 2 Sandyford Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 8SB

The event will also be showcasing headline results from the Third Sector Trends 2016 study, run by Professor Tony Chapman at St Chad’s College, Durham University. This landmark study, funded by Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland, JRF and Garfield Weston presents findings from a study of 3,500 third sector organisations across the whole of the North of England. Speakers at the event will include:

  • Ed Cox, IPPR North
  • Rob Williamson, Community Foundation Tyne & Wear and Northumberland
  • Professor Tony Chapman, St Chad’s College, Durham University
  • Emma Stone and Katie Schmuecker, JRF
  • Rhodri Davies, Charities Aid Foundation
  • Sara Bryson, Citizens North East
  • Jane Hartley, VONNE
  • Eve Holt, DivaManc
  • Simone Roche, Northern Powerwomen

If you want to reserve a place, sign up with eventbrite here:





Local regeneration on Tyneside, 40 years on

Regeneration is usually considered in the here and now.  But what legacy do such projects leave many years on.  Professors Fred Robinson and Alan Townsend have undertaken two projects in Benwell and North Shields as part of the ESRC Imagine research programme hosted by the University’s Centre for Social Justice and Community Action.

The first report looks at the history of regeneration in the Benwell area of Newcastle upon Tyne (North East England) after the Community Development Project (CDP) ended in 1978. It provides an account of the development, implementation and impact of regeneration policies. It draws on archive documents including reports and maps and five in-depth interviews with key actors, past and present, conducted in 2014-15.

This account cannot, of course, cover everything that has impacted on Benwell. The principal focus is on the main ‘area-based initiatives’ that have been implemented in the area, especially those that conveyed explicit ideas about an imagined future – what the area might become.  The report shows the context: ideas about what needed to be done and how it should be done and concludes with a statistical section, tracking some key indicators of change in the area over the past 40 years, 1971 to 2011.

The second report looks at North Shields in North Tyneside which looks at the history of regeneration in the North Shields/North Tyneside area after the CDP. The report draws on archive documents including reports and maps and five in-depth interviews with key actors, past and present.

Both reports include a timeline to show the history of area-based policies in Benwell and North Shields, alongside the significant events and the changing local, regional and national political landscape.

Read the reports Benwell…..fortyyearsonrevisedSB4thversionwithexceltimelinespreadsheet23.2.17


Young People and Society Study Group Meeting 9th March

At our next meeting on 9th March, from 3.00- 5.00 in the Horsfall Room, Ramsay House, 26 North Bailey, we have two speakers.

Professor Emma Murphy, School of Government and International Affairs, ‘A Political Economy of Youth Policy: Tunisia under Ben Ali.’

Dr Josie Phillips, School of Applied Social Sciences, ‘Making yourself better’: what young people who have been sexually abused say about relationships with therapists.

Please contact if you would like to attend the event.

Investing in small charities in ‘cold spots’: Redcar & Cleveland and Port Talbot & Neath

Small charities form the bedrock of civil society.   So their wellbeing needs to be attended to, especially in places where there are concentrations of economic difficulties.  The problem with previous attempts to strengthen small charities is that ‘gold standards’ about what a successful organisation should look like have been adopted.  And far too often, standardised tools have been developed to build the ‘capacity’ and ‘capability’ of such charities which simply don’t address the specific needs of individual charities.

Lloyds Bank Foundation has invested significant resources in the development of charities for many years through its Engage and Enhance programmes.  But some charities which really need help don’t meet the eligibility criteria. This project seeks to change that by working with a small number of charities, intensively, over a period of a year.

Known as Lloyds Bank Foundation’s ‘Grow’ programme, this project seeks to experiment with new approaches to strengthen small charities without demanding standardised outcomes which meet the expectations of outsiders rather than of charities themselves.

Based in two areas of the UK which have been challenged economically in recent years, the project will invest significant levels of support to help charities become more resilient as organisations and effective in what they do but without necessarily expecting them to grow or change beyond the ambitions they set themselves.

Professor Tony Chapman has been chosen to assist in the development of this two year programme and will evaluate the success of the intervention.

The project will conclude in June 2018 and our evaluation report will be published in March  2019.  A link to the publication will be provided when available.