Category Archives: News

Sports Update…


Now that we’re halfway through Epiphany term many of our college sports teams are coming to the end of their league matches and moving on to the knockout-style tournaments, so it’s the perfect chance to have a look at how the leagues have gone for us so far. Plus a short report on recent rowing achievements.



This weekend (18-19th February) was Tyne head of the river, the biggest head race of the term; a fantastic opportunity for our senior women’s squad to get some experience on their first 5k race.

It was a brilliant race, fighting the current of the tide and some strong head-winds but the crew managed to beat Hatfield to come top college crew of their division. It’s a shame more Colleges didn’t enter however it was a great experience for the girls, and a great build up for next term where we want to try de-novice the crew.


Men’s Basketball

Div 1:  3 wins, 1 loss.  Current placing: 2nd


Round 1 vs Trevs: 34 -32

Round 2 vs Collingwood: 27-53


Women’s Basketball (Combined Chad’s John’s Team)

Div 2: 1 win 2 losses.   Current placing: 3rd


Round 1 vs Grey A: 16-47

Men’s Football

A Team

Div 1: 3 wins, 3 draws, 5 losses.   Current placing: 9th

Floodlit cup:

Round 1 vs Castle A: 1-5


Round 1 vs Castle A: 0-1


B Team

Div 5: 4 wins, 3 draws, 2 losses.   Current placing: 7th


Women’s Football

Div 1: 3 wins, 1 draw, 3 losses.   Current placing: 3rd

Floodlit cup:

Round 1 vs Ustinov A: 1-12


Round 1 vs St Aidan’s A: 0-3


Men’s Hockey

Premiership: 2 win, 3 draws, 7 losses.   Current placing: 7th


Round 1 vs St Aidan’s A: 3-2

Round 2 vs Hild Bede A: 1-4


Women’s Hockey

Div 1: 3 wins, 2 draws, 6 losses.    Current placing: Joint 4th


Round 1 vs  John Snow A: 0-3


Mixed Lacrosse

A Team

Div 1: 6 wins, 1 draw.    Current placing: 1st (Will be promoted to the Premiership next season)


Round 1 vs Stephenson A: 12-2

Round 2 vs Grey A: 8-3

Quarter finals vs St Cuthbert’s A: 11-3

Semi-finals TO PLAY


B Team

Div 2: 4 wins, 2 draws, 2 losses.   Current placing: 1st (Should be promoted to Division 1 next season)


Round 1 vs Grey B: 7-2

Round 2 vs University B: 0-6



Div 1: 8 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses.   Current placing: 2nd



Div 2: 4 wins, 6 losses.    Current placing: 8th


Men’s Rugby (Chad’s John’s combined team)

Div 1: 3 wins, 4 losses.    Current placing: 5th


Women’s Rugby (Chad’s John’s combined team)

Premiership: 3 wins, 3 losses.    Current placing: 3rd


Round 1 vs “combined Milbut”: 0-39

Combined Chad’s John’s Women’s Rugby represented Durham at the College Varisty games against York on Saturday 25th February in a tag rugby game; they won 4-0.


Men’s Squash

Premiership: 4 wins, 4 losses.   Current placing: 7th


Round 1 vs John’s B: 5-0


Women’s Squash (Chad’s John’s combined team)

Premiership: 7 wins, 3 losses.    Current placing: 2nd


Round 1 vs Hatfield-Castle: 4-1


Table Tennis

Premiership: 7 wins, 3 losses.   Current placing: Joint 3rd


Men’s Badminton

Div 1: 5 wins, 3 losses.    Current placing: 4th


Women’s Badminton

Div 1: 5 wins, 2 losses.   Current placing: 2nd


Mixed Badminton

Div 1: 3 wins, 3 losses.   Current Placing: 4th


St Chad’s Governing Body Away Day

On Tuesday 31st January and Wednesday 1st February, members of St Chad’s Governing Body gathered together for an away day on its ten-year strategy, which built on consultative work that had taken place in the common rooms on the general themes and perspectives to be included in this plan.

The two days saw members of the Governing Body undertaking a variety of different tasks to orientate and collaborate thinking on the College’s strategy, including building the College out of Lego (pictured, see below for annotations)!

The strategy will shape how decisions will be made over the next decade in the College’s life, including issues such as environment, student life, and widening participation, which was identified as a key priority. Discussions also featured consideration of wider community, which includes College alumni. Alumni will also have a chance to make their views heard at events, in discussion with Dr Margaret Masson, our Principal.

Three students, Jack Angers (JCR Senior Man), Elizabeth Hoyt (MCR President), and Craig Bateman (JCR Governing Body Representative) were also in attendance to voice student opinions.

Epiphany 2017: what’s on in college?


Another term promises another host of noteworthy events in college. We’re just approaching the end of the second week, and already we’ve had Ladies and Friends’ formal, complete with wonderful food and even more wonderful singing; the first Perspectives talk of the year, a riveting discussion on the importance of class in a modern society; and Burns’ Night, a triumphant occasion with Chad’s’ very own chaplain, Ashley Wilson, performing the Ode to the Haggis with such fervour that Robert Burns himself might have been in the dining hall. The natural hearth of every Chadsian, the college bar, is rarely without handfuls of students regaling one another with stories of their holidays, or their achievements already this term – so far, Epiphany has been a great success.

The green army preparing for the annual ‘Palace Green dash’ on Chad’s day 2016


And, aside from the perilous dissertations facing the third-years, it looks to continue in the same tenor. Candlemas Launch is next week, a chance for everyone to see what the Candlemas Committee have in store for our biggest college ball of the year; the event itself follows a week later, with a dinner, ‘ents’, and dancing set to continue well into the early hours. Before that, we have Gents and Friends’ formal, and soon after, Chad’s Day, the craziest and greenest day in the Chadsian’s calendar (perhaps in any calendar). Also on this term, another wealth of fascinating Perspectives talks and the JCR officer elections for next year. The term will round off with more formals and a final megaformal before we welcome the prospective next generation of Chadsians to college for the post-offer application days in March. Good luck to all this term, as summatives loom: however, it would be an understatement to say that there is certainly a lot to look forward at 18 North Bailey.

Showcasing the breadth of talent in college at Chad’s got Talent 2016.


International Students Tea Party – December 14th, 2016

It was the last academic week of 2016 and you could sense a faint air of end-of-term fatigue in the SCR. Fortunately a selection of minced pies, chocolate brownies, coffee and tea was prepared to reward those who showed up for the second International Students tea party of this Michaelmas term.


Once everyone had taken their seat the discussion started with a few classic questions: What were your impressions of England? Durham? Chad’s? What will we tell our parents when we get home? How we do we feel now that term has (almost) ended? There wasn’t much enthusiasm to answer these, which may reflect either a reluctance to leave or an eagerness to return home. Once some shared their thoughts and feelings, it became evident that this term has been very successful. Friendliness and ease of transition into Chad’s frequently came up. An interesting topic that briefly surfaced was whether we as international students took notice of the quintessentially English beat-around-the-bush culture. In particular the issue that English people readily apologise. Although a few were aware of it, it wasn’t considered a hindrance (sorry, excuse me for bringing it up).

The obvious topic that was thrown into the group was what we were looking forward to most at home. An interesting answer amongst some was the opportunity to speak our mother-tongue. I know I am.  Although Chad’s has treated us well,  some were quite eager to return to a familiar environment at home as a break.

We concluded with a brief recap of our thoughts on 2016. I think the consensus was that 2016 was probably not one of the best years we’ve seen in recent times. Brexit and Trump (amongst others) illustrate how the world seems to prefer intranationalism in favour of internationalism these days. Wars, diseases, and this year’s extensive obituary makes it a year to forget, and very much makes 2017 a year to look forward to.

That being said, we look forward to the next get-together in 2017.

St Chad’s hosts termly Question Time

St Chad’s College hosted its termly ‘Question Time’ evening on Thursday, 24th November.

Styled on the BBC’s Question Time programme, Conor Fegan took over David Dimbleby’s role as chairperson. Conor introduced each panellist, a cross-representation of the common rooms. These included the SCR’s Baroness Maeve Sherlock, and the JCR’s Michael Aspin, Dom Birch, Jess Frieze, and Josh Barker.

Throughout the evening, panellists were quizzed on a range of issues. The provision of port and cream-crackers got the audience’s creative juices flowing!

On a second EU referendum, the panel argued in favour of popular sovereignty, although there was also an acknowledgement that it’s going to take more than two years to negotiate Brexit.

Addressing whether the election of Donald Trump in America signals that we are living in a post-factual age, Josh urged the audience to “debate” views which seemed to be different from theirs. Baroness Sherlock argued that we must have “mechanism to distinguish” between fact and fiction, whilst Michael defended pluralism and democracy. Dom spoke about the emotions involved in politics and Jess said it’s wrong to simply shout back.

On the issue of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, the panel agreed that a healthy democracy requires an effective opposition.

The evening provided a thoughtful, intellectual, and dynamic dialogue. We wait to see what next term’s event holds in store.

Perspectives 28/11: Is Democracy working?


Perspectives last week was on a really interesting and vitally relevant topic. We all know the famous Churchill quote, ‘democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried’; to be honest, I think our political system is something we tend to take for granted. All the more relevant as the final Perspectives event of the term, considering recent events – it is too easy to simply assume this system is the norm and is faultless because it is the only one we have ever been exposed to.

Professor Fred Robinson

Chad’s hosted Professor Fred Robinson (Professorial Fellow of St Chad’s College), Dr Anna Rowlands (Theology and Religion), and Lily Botrous (Alexandria School of Theology, Egypt), who put forward their very interesting views on the question of democracy – Prof. Robinson and Dr. Rowlands focussed mainly on Brexit, while Ms. Botrous talked about the Arab Spring. In classic form, after their thought-provoking talks, we broke off into small groups, with discussions ranging from the virtues and vices of political correctness to the problem with modern voting systems to how politics is all too often boiled down to basic ideas and ideologies. Some really stimulating discussion, which certainly left us with a lot to think about.

Lily Botrous

All in all, a very successful evening, and a great relief from the summative stress which tends to drown students in the last few weeks of term. I hope that next term’s lectures are as thought-provoking as the fantastic schedule put together already this year.

Dr Anna Rowlands addresses attendees

Perspectives – Can we trust our Technology?


The third in our College Series: Perspectives was held on Monday night. Despite the inset of summative season the session was well attended, by a range of individuals from both JCR and MCR.

Following an introduction by Dr Eleanor Spencer-Regan the three speakers each laid out their point of view on the question of how far we can trust technology. First up was Dr Toby Breckon (Engineering and Computing Sciences), who argued that we could trust technology because it can only do that which it is taught or programmed to do by human designers. He also emphasized the power of consumers to pressure manufacturers to make trustworthy technology, by voting with their wallets.

Dr Toby Breckon speaking to MCR and JCR members in the quad

Next was James Page (School of Government and International Affairs) who talked about the ethics and practicalities of drone warfare, and suggested that they are more accurate than human operated aircrafts.

Dr James Page

Finally Dr Ladan Cockshut (School of Computing, Teesside University) talked about the increase in interest in AI, humanoid robotics, transhumanism in the mainstream media (movies, TV) over the past few decades, and about how our use of social media might change the ways in which we view ourselves, and our relationships with others.

Dr Lagan Cockshut


Attendees then formed groups for discussion before returning to a final overall summary of the thoughts from the evening. One particularly interesting outcome the following day was the discovery of one student that her experiment of leaving Facebook open (with microphone access permissions) on her phone throughout the discussion might well have influenced the advertising she received the following day, with recommendations for AI films appearing on her Facebook.


Returners Weekend (4th-6th November)

This weekend saw the event that everyone’s been waiting for since graduation – Returners! This year, the highly anticipated Returner’s Bop featured interpretations of 90s pop culture including a highly convincing Austin Powers costume, double (and in some cases triple) denim, and some wildly questionable Macarena moves. The evening was a huge success, with vibrant decs and of course, a playlist full of funky fresh tunes.


Having managed to stumble home, Chadsians past and present woke the following morning, perhaps not as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as desired, but definitely still functioning. However, there was no time for slacking as Saturday was the scene of the Returner’s Formal, followed by Princey B. If the brilliantly cheesy DJ wasn’t enticing enough after a rowdy night in the bar, then the free burgers certainly were!

Sunday came with an undeniably bittersweet taste, as, all too quickly, it was time to say goodbye again. In all seriousness, I hope that you all enjoyed this weekend as much as I did. If nothing else, I’m sure you can take away another cache of memories to look back on and laugh at for years to come. At the end of the day, that’s what Chad’s is all about.


International Students Tea Party – November 7th, 2016

St Chad’s College now counts 44 different nationalities (close but not quite the number of English counties), and thus a host of international students. A selection of about 25 of them spared an hour of their time halfway through a soggy Monday to congregate in the SCR for drinks and nibbles. Also present at this gathering were the Principal, Vice-Principal and Chaplain of St. Chad’s, the former two eager to highlight their international backgrounds.

There was a noticeably strong European and east-Asian contingent in attendance, with only a handful students from outside the Eurasian landmass. Noticeable was also the range of accents around the room, making each conversation sound considerably different to the other, and which for some people betrayed their origin quite quickly.

The first half of the hour was spent in casual discussion. Then, there was a round of introductions, where each person stated their name, country of origin and the thing that they found most different or surprising in Durham. Friendliness and the weather seemed to be recurring themes. This was followed by a brief discussion of international perspectives, especially the perception of British and World politics in each person’s home country. One person, for example, remarked that the British seemed to talk much less about Brexit than they did at home. The discussion also briefly covered the negative stereotype of British ignorance of global political affairs, taking the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong as a specific example, which has received very little media coverage in the UK. Drawing from that example, Dr. Masson emphasised the value of an international perspective brought to Durham by those that have come from abroad to study at St. Chad’s.

Another gathering is in the planning for the near future, perhaps featuring festive cakes as we approach the holidays. It might provide an opportunity for the international students to share more experiences, especially those who could not make it this time.