Now that we’re halfway through Epiphany term many of our college sports teams are coming to the end of their league matches and moving on to the knockout-style tournaments, so it’s the perfect chance to have a look at how the leagues have gone for us so far. Plus a short report on recent rowing achievements.
This weekend (18-19th February) was Tyne head of the river, the biggest head race of the term; a fantastic opportunity for our senior women’s squad to get some experience on their first 5k race.
It was a brilliant race, fighting the current of the tide and some strong head-winds but the crew managed to beat Hatfield to come top college crew of their division. It’s a shame more Colleges didn’t enter however it was a great experience for the girls, and a great build up for next term where we want to try de-novice the crew.

Men’s Basketball
Div 1: 3 wins, 1 loss. Current placing: 2nd
Round 1 vs Trevs: 34 -32
Round 2 vs Collingwood: 27-53
Women’s Basketball (Combined Chad’s John’s Team)
Div 2: 1 win 2 losses. Current placing: 3rd
Round 1 vs Grey A: 16-47

Men’s Football
A Team
Div 1: 3 wins, 3 draws, 5 losses. Current placing: 9th
Floodlit cup:
Round 1 vs Castle A: 1-5
Round 1 vs Castle A: 0-1
B Team
Div 5: 4 wins, 3 draws, 2 losses. Current placing: 7th
Women’s Football
Div 1: 3 wins, 1 draw, 3 losses. Current placing: 3rd
Floodlit cup:
Round 1 vs Ustinov A: 1-12
Round 1 vs St Aidan’s A: 0-3

Men’s Hockey
Premiership: 2 win, 3 draws, 7 losses. Current placing: 7th
Round 1 vs St Aidan’s A: 3-2
Round 2 vs Hild Bede A: 1-4
Women’s Hockey
Div 1: 3 wins, 2 draws, 6 losses. Current placing: Joint 4th
Round 1 vs John Snow A: 0-3
Mixed Lacrosse
A Team
Div 1: 6 wins, 1 draw. Current placing: 1st (Will be promoted to the Premiership next season)
Round 1 vs Stephenson A: 12-2
Round 2 vs Grey A: 8-3
Quarter finals vs St Cuthbert’s A: 11-3
Semi-finals TO PLAY

B Team
Div 2: 4 wins, 2 draws, 2 losses. Current placing: 1st (Should be promoted to Division 1 next season)
Round 1 vs Grey B: 7-2
Round 2 vs University B: 0-6
Div 1: 8 wins, 1 draw, 2 losses. Current placing: 2nd

Div 2: 4 wins, 6 losses. Current placing: 8th

Men’s Rugby (Chad’s John’s combined team)
Div 1: 3 wins, 4 losses. Current placing: 5th
Women’s Rugby (Chad’s John’s combined team)
Premiership: 3 wins, 3 losses. Current placing: 3rd
Round 1 vs “combined Milbut”: 0-39
Combined Chad’s John’s Women’s Rugby represented Durham at the College Varisty games against York on Saturday 25th February in a tag rugby game; they won 4-0.

Men’s Squash
Premiership: 4 wins, 4 losses. Current placing: 7th
Round 1 vs John’s B: 5-0
Women’s Squash (Chad’s John’s combined team)
Premiership: 7 wins, 3 losses. Current placing: 2nd
Round 1 vs Hatfield-Castle: 4-1
Table Tennis
Premiership: 7 wins, 3 losses. Current placing: Joint 3rd
Men’s Badminton
Div 1: 5 wins, 3 losses. Current placing: 4th
Women’s Badminton
Div 1: 5 wins, 2 losses. Current placing: 2nd
Mixed Badminton
Div 1: 3 wins, 3 losses. Current Placing: 4th