Category Archives: Research

Can deferred gratification help young people stay committed to apprenticeships?

Professor Tony Chapman and Stephanie Rich are to evaluate the National Youth Agency’s My Money Now programme which is funded by the Money Advice Service. The project brings together tried and tested approaches to inform the development of financial literacy and sustained money management skills and builds on the success of an existing intervention (Barclays Money Skills Champions).

Its purpose is to strengthen the existing evidence on the immediate advantages of the previous programme for Money Skills Champions, to get a better understanding of how peer education improves the financial capability of 16-21 year olds who are engaged in apprenticeships and which, in turn, has the potential to help influence subsequent decision making which could have longer-term benefit by enhancing the likelihood of improved retention on apprenticeship schemes.

More specifically, the evaluation aims to explore the efficacy of the project through the following research questions:

  • To determine if the NYA’s existing approach to ‘peer education’ has distinctive and beneficial impacts upon young people’s approach to learning about discrete financial issues which are replicable for young people from disadvantaged or marginalised backgrounds.
  • To find out if the financial learning intervention has a positive impact by improving young people’s knowledge about financial issues and strengthens their locus of control when making immediate financial decisions.
  • To explore whether increasing knowledge and skills through peer education about financial issues may impact positively on young people’s ability to navigate key life transitions by weighing up the ‘opportunity costs’ of their decisions in financial and personal development terms.

The project runs for 15 months, beginning in January 2017.

This project has now been completed and it is expected that the final report will be published on the MAS evidence hub website in May 2018 – a link will be provided here when available.

Regenerating Coastal Communities

Tackling issues surrounding economic restructuring, geographical isolation and social marginalization.  A seminar organised by the Institute for Local Governance

Hartlepool Council Chamber, Friday 27th January 2017, 9.30 – 1.00

Coastal communities have been given a bad press for many years. Typically, media stories focus heavily on the decline in tourism in many coastal towns, their apparent inability to draw in new investment to restructure the local economy and sensationalist stories about the influx of residents who are dependent on benefits. These issues can play a part in the way coastal communities fare economically and socially – but no two coastal towns are the same – and responses to the challenges or opportunities they face can be very different.

This seminar has been devised to attract an audience which is interested in making change in coastal communities from different points of interest, including local authorities, businesses, charitable foundations which invest in coastal areas, voluntary and community organisations, housing associations, health and wellbeing services. To bring the debate to life, we have invited speakers to speak about three very different coastal communities: the fishing port of Amble in Northumberland, port and industrial town of Hartlepool, and the seaside holiday town of Scarborough.

The history of a place shapes its culture to some extent, but not necessarily its destiny. So even defining these three towns in such short-hand ways is controversial – as is the case in any coastal town – but that is the point of the seminar: to see what defines a coastal town and what needs to be done to secure their positive futures.

This seminar will consider the situation of coastal communities against the backdrop of recent policy and practice interventions at national and local authority level to tackle economic, geographical and social issues in coastal towns. In so doing, it will concentrate on what has been working well and what new interventions show tremendous promise. But it will do so with cultural and economic undercurrents in mind so as not to assert that approaches that may work in one area can simply be transplanted into another.

The event will be introduced and chaired by Councillor Kevin Cranney, Chair of Hartlepool Regeneration Committee, Hartlepool Borough Council

Speakers will include:

  • NickTaylor, Investment Manager, Scarborough Borough Council, on the role of major public and private sector investments in the transformation of Scarborough.
  • Katherine Blaker, Community Research & Grants Manager, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, on the role of the ActionLab in tackling issues surrounding embedded poverty in Hartlepool.
  • Tony Kirsop, Community Regeneration Manager, Northumberland County Council, on the development of Amble quayside and the promotion of small businesses and tourism.
  • Fernanda Balata, Policy Director, Coastal Economies Unit, New Economics Foundation, on the national policy environment and NEFs 20 point action plan for coastal communities.
  • Denise Ogden, Director of Regeneration & Neighbourhoods. Hartlepool Borough Council, on the role of local government in partnership with the private, public and voluntary sectors in shaping the destiny of coastal communities.

This is the second seminar in the current season which will covered a variety of topics including: graduate enterprise and employability; evidencing personal wellbeing and social value; tackling the unforeseen consequences of unmet need; and, tackling the democratic deficit in the context of devolved responsibility.

The seminar is free to attend, but places are limited and they tend to book up quickly, so please register your attendance via: Janet Atkinson, Institute for Local Governance, Durham University

The Institute for Local Governance is a North East Research and Knowledge Exchange Partnership established in 2009 comprising the North East region’s Universities, Local Authorities, Police and Fire and Rescue Services. Further information about the content of the event can be obtained by contacting:- or

Presentations from the event can be located here: 1 Regenerating Coastal Communities – Fernanda Balata – New Economics Foundation – Hartlepool – 27 Jan 20174 Regenerating Coastal communities Amble – The Seafood Town (Tony Kirsop) 2 Regenerating Coastal Communities Seminar (Hartlepool Denise Ogden) Presentation 27 01 17Hartlepool ILG 27Jan17 Nick TaylorCoastal communities Katherine Blaker JRF

Who runs the North East now?

Professor Fred Robinson is working with Professor Keith Shaw of Northumbria University on a new study looking at structures and processes of governance in North East England. They will be finding out who runs public services in the region and assessing how accountable they are. They will be looking at different models of governance — some elected, others appointed. And they will be asking what works best and how we can make governance better.

It’s certainly a timely project. There is considerable disenchantment with the people who run things. Many people distrust elites, politicians and the ‘establishment’. There are widespread feelings of powerlessness and alienation – as the EU Referendum demonstrated. But there is no simple answer to the problems facing us. Electing people to run things like Councils or the Police seems attractive, but turnouts are so low that there’s really only limited democratic legitimacy. Appointing people to run services – the boards of NHS Trusts, or the Governing Bodies of universities, for example – may bring in expertise, but can be seen to be about recruiting the ‘usual suspects’. And referendums — making decisions by asking the people — don’t seem to work all that well either.

Fred and Keith want the research to inform, but also to be the basis for challenge and reform. They’ve looked at these issues before, back in 2000, when much of the concern was about unelected quangos. They helped influence the debate then – institutions in the region started thinking more about the gender balance (or lack of it) on their boards and the need to have representation from BME communities. Since 2000, some things have changed for the better – but there’s certainly room for a lot more improvement. Many institutions are still dominated by the ‘male, pale and stale’.

The project has secured funding from the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, the Institute for Local Governance and Newcastle-based Law firm Muckle LLP. It started in September 2016 and will run for a year. It’s a practical project, which aims to encourage better practice and make governance more accountable, transparent and representative.

The final report can be found Who Runs the North East Now — Main Report Oct 2017 FINAL (2).

Commonwealth Sports Ministers Endorse Durham University Report on Sustainable Development Goals in Rio de Janeiro

sport ministers

The 8th Commonwealth Sports Minister Meeting was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on 4th August 2016. Delegations from 32 member countries attended the meeting. The meeting was opened by Commonwealth Secretary-General, the Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC, and chaired by the Hon Sussan Ley, Minister for Health, Aged Care and Sport, Government of Australia (picture left).

The meeting took place in the context of the recent adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The meeting focused on the contribution that sport can make to the new global development agenda, with an emphasis on promoting healthy lives and well-being for all. The meeting also considered the negative impact of sport integrity issues on sustainable development, and options for effective Governmental responses.

The Ministers ‘welcomed and endorsed’ the policy guidance which was recently written by St Chad’s Fellow, Dr Iain Lindsey of the School of Applied Social Sciences, Sarah Metcalf of the School of Applied Social Sciences and St Chad’s Professor Tony Chapman.

Ministers expressed strong concern about the seriousness of threats to the integrity of sport which were addressed in the Durham University report. They forcefully reiterated that governments and non-governmental sporting organisations have a shared responsibility for protecting the integrity of sport. They also committed to working collectively to address these issues.

Read more on the story here


The future of civil society in the North

Picture1The Programme Advisory Group assembled at St Chad’s College, Durham University on 28th July 2016 for its second meeting this year. The group includes representatives from IPPR\North, Community Foundation for Tyne & Wear and Northumberland, TSRC, VONNE, Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation, Social Enterprise Coalition and Durham and Sheffield Universities.

Professor Tony Chapman, of St Chad’s College, who is a member of the advisory group, spoke about the forthcoming Third Sector Trends study which will contribute research intelligence to the discussions which will be taking place over the next three years in this major programme of IPPR work, funded by Garfield Weston.  The Third Sector Trends Study is funded in the North East of England by Community Foundation for Tyne & Wear and Northumberland, In Yorkshire and the Humber by Joseph Rowntree Foundation, and in the North West by IPPR\North and Garfield Weston.

Third Sector Trends across the North of England 2016

In September 2016, the Third Sector Trends study will be formally launched across the North of England. We need to hear from all types of voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises, whether large or small, thriving, struggling or going on as normal. The study will take place in each northern region in three separate surveys:

community foundation logoIn North East England (funded by the Community Foundation for Tyne & Wear and Northumberland). Link to the survey questionnaire:


In Yorkshire and the Humber (funded by Joseph Rowntree Foundation); Link to the survey questionnaire:

Garfield Weston.jpeg                                                         Ipprnorth.jpeg


In North West England* (funded by IPPR\North and Garfield Weston); Link to the survey questionnaire:

*In Greater Manchester, the study started in July 2016 to complement a separate study by a consortium of local third sector development agencies.

We will be able to tell you what is happening, in big picture terms, in the sector in your area, region and across Northern England?

These are just a few of the issues the Third Sector Trends study can explore

    • We can make well evidenced estimates on the changing shape, size and structure of the sector as a whole (comparing with previous TST data and from a major national government study in 2010 on each local authority area).
    • We can also produce data reports for any local authority area, sub region or county so you can see what is happening in the area your Community Foundation serves.
    • We can explore the different experiences, practices and expectations of organisations by size, purpose, geographical location, legal form, and so on – this will help funders identify the kinds of organisations which may be able to benefit most from grants.
    • We can make good estimates of the level of employment and volunteering in the sector and determine where employment or volunteering is growing or contracting.
    • We can show which areas of beneficiary need are doing well or experiencing difficulties.
    • We can calculate the economic value of the sector using robust estimates and also monetise the value of volunteering.

We need third sector, public sector and private sector organisations to encourage voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises to respond to this major study. It is vital that as many organisations and groups as possible find out about the study so that they have a chance to respond – so we need you to tell them about it in newsletters and to send links to the survey through by email to your address lists.

Each study will result in a separate regional report together with one report, published by IPPR\North for the whole Northern Region.

If you would like to know more about the study, please contact Professor Tony Chapman, St Chad’s College, Durham University: