Category Archives: Research News

Northern Rock Foundation: history and achievements

nrf-logo-lgeIn July 2015, the Northern Rock Foundation published a history of its work and the impacts it has had during 17 years of grant making. Researched and written by Professor Fred Robinson, this independent assessment, whilst sympathetic to the mission of the Foundation, takes an objective view of its history and achievements.

Funded by Northern Rock bank, the Foundation spent over £225 million on community projects and initiatives in the North East and Cumbria. Its work has ranged over many different areas of social need including support for older people, homeless young people, refugees and asylum seekers and those with mental health problems. It sought to tackle issues like financial inclusion, penal reform and domestic abuse but also invested in the development of the arts and cultural infrastructure of the region.

Key achievements identified in the report include:

  • Focusing attention on disadvantaged people and communities, including difficult and unpopular causes, like child sexual exploitation.
  • Using research to influence national and regional policy in areas such as dementia and domestic and sexual violence.
  • Helping the voluntary and community sector to develop their skills and capacity and fostering collaboration and enterprise.

Important lessons from the history and work of the Foundation are:

  • A regionally based foundation can know its area in a way that a nationally based foundation, based elsewhere, almost certainly cannot.
  • There is a value in concentrating some grant making on particular organisations that will develop and grow through long term support.
  • Expert and dedicated Trustees and staff help to ensure good and effective grant-making
  • Reliance on one corporate benefactor has both strengths and weaknesses.

The financial crisis that hit the Northern Rock bank had a profound impact on the Foundation, which is now expected to close down in 2016. Professor Robinson said:

“The Foundation made an important contribution to the well-being of the North East and Cumbria. It helped to enrich the lives of many people. For some organisations its funding has been beneficial, but not crucial; for others it may have been transformative, a really important input that helped them to survive or grow or become what they are today. It was very much an organisation rooted in the region which was prepared to fund unpopular things at times, but things which made a real difference”.

The full report can be downloaded here.

Charities suffering hard times in Cumbria’s poorest rural areas

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Professor Tony Chapman presented the latest findings from the Northern Rock Foundation Third Sector Trends study at Cumbria CVS’s Annual General Meeting and Compact Conference at the Forum, Barrow in Furness on 5th November 2015.   The research, funded by Northern Rock Foundation and Cumbria Community Foundation demonstrates that the third sector in the county is in good shape, in spite of a long period of austerity. There are over 4,500 organisations and groups in Cumbria employing over 9,000 staff.  But there are many more volunteers, estimated at 52,000 in 2008 but rising to 53,700 in 2014. Volunteers  provide almost 4 million hours of voluntary support in the county – valued at £25m if the work were to be paid at the national minimum wage.

While the research shows that there is a good deal of financial stability in the sector, especially amongst smaller organisations – medium sized charities are feeling the pinch.  In fact, 29% of charities in the poorest areas of Cumbria have seen their income fall significantly in the last year compared with just 7% in the richest areas.  So it is not surprising that 13% of charities have had to draw heavily on their reserves to meet essential costs.

The sector remains positive about the future. Perhaps ‘too’ positive, Professor Chapman argued in his speech. He argued that fewer charities are likely to see the number of employees and volunteers increase as much as is expected – which may well produce a feeling of disappointment.  But neither is the sky falling in – many charities can expect to do well. The worry is that charities and groups in the poorest areas are less well placed to win grants from big national foundations than their counterparts in the richer areas. So foundations need to think of new ways to rectify the situation by being more sympathetic to charities which bid for funds which might not look so exciting on the surface but nevertheless produce real social value.

The report, including a data summary, is available here: Third Sector Trends in Cumbria (November 2015).

Who cares for the carers?


Who cares for the carers? Tackling the challenges facing carers in Northern England in an environment of deepening austerity: A seminar organised by the Institute for Local Governance. Middlesbrough Football Club, Riverside Stadium, Friday 27th November 2015, 9.30 – 1.00

The challenges facing carers almost always come second place, economically, politically and emotionally to those in need of care. This seminar aims closely to examine how society can better respond to the needs of individual carers and to those organisations that provide care services in a period of increasing need and deepening economic austerity in Northern England.

The half day seminar will focus on the situation of a range of individual carers who give support to those in need, including neighbours and friends; young carers; older people providing care to spouses; people providing informal dementia care, amongst others. It must be recognised that such carers often achieve what they do with help from the many charities and community organisations which deliver support to carers.

Often such groups and organisations are funded by non-governmental sources, such as community foundations or big national foundations which have stepped in to give financial support where government does not. Other private sector or Third Sector organisations deliver professional care services on behalf of local authorities or health organisations – but how well do these arrangements work for paid carers where the marginal costs of caring are continuously being eroded?

The spatial context within which caring takes place is an important consideration. Consequently, the seminar will also explore the built environment within which care is given by focusing on the idea of designing “lifetime neighbourhoods” to ensure that people’s lives are not disrupted spatially when they become in need of care or gain responsibility to care for others. The seminar asks whether the co-production of caring amongst individuals, charities and public sector organisations could be more achievable in such environments – especially in the context of dementia care.

Speakers include:

Julia Bracknall: Chief Executive, Carers Together (on the delivery of social care services by third sector organisations)

Natalie Gordon, Joseph Rowntree Foundation (on the Dementia Without Walls programme)

Colin Haylock, Visiting Professor, Newcastle University (on lifetime neighbourhoods)

Lawrence McAnelly, Chief Executive, The Junction Foundation, Redcar (on young carers)

Dennis Reed: Director, Silver Voices (on advocacy for older people who provide care)

Erik Scollay, Assistant Director, Middlesbrough Council (on the challenges of co-production)

This is the sixth seminar in the current season which has covered a variety of topics including: Asset transfer (held in Durham); young people and skills (held in Redcar), demographic ageing (held in Newcastle), rural deprivation (held in Northumberland), Japanese inward investment (held in Durham), and public sector/third sector relationships (held in Darlington).

The seminar is free to attend, but places are limited and they tend to book up quickly, so please register your attendance via: Janet Atkinson, Institute for Local Governance, Durham University

The Institute for Local Governance is a North East Research and Knowledge Exchange Partnership established in 2009 comprising the North East region’s Universities, Local Authorities, Police and Fire and Rescue Services. Further information about the content of the event can be obtained by contacting:- or

The PowerPoint slides from speakers who presented at the seminar can be accessed below: Colin Haylock; Dennis Reed Erik Scollay; Julia Bracknall; Lawrence McAnelly


Third Sector Trends in Cumbria

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The Northern Rock Foundation Third Sector Trends study has been running since 2008.  A new report has been published on the situation of Third Sector organisations in Cumbria.  The report considers the size of the sector, the scope of its work and the benefit brought to the area over the last six years. The research underpinning this report was jointly funded by Cumbria Community Foundation.

The report also considers the extent to which the sector has responded to challenges produced by a long period of austerity.  For many charities, the report shows, a measure of stability has been enjoyed in spite of government austerity programmes.  However, small to medium sized charities operating in the poorest areas of Cumbria have been much more likely to suffer loss of income  due to cuts in government spending at national, regional and local level.  The report can be read here: Third Sector Trends in Cumbria (November 2015)

Headline findings from the report will be presented at The Forum, Barrow in Furness on 5th November by Professor Tony Chapman at the Cumbria Council for Voluntary Services Annual General Meeting.


Social mobility for whom, and at what social cost?

The Young People & Society Study Group meets once a term to discuss contemporary issues of interest to researchers at Durham University. The interdisciplinary group draws on expertise from seven University Schools, Departments and Colleges.

The first event this academic year will take place on Thursday 10th December in St Chad’s College and will tackle controversies surrounding the social mobility agenda. The debate will be led by Dr Vikki Boliver of the School of Applied Social Sciences who will talk about equal access to elite universities. Professor Stephen Gorard from the School of Education will talk about the resurgence of political support for grammar schools and will assess its likely impact on social mobility. Professor Tony Chapman of St Chad’s College will talk about what counts as social mobility for many young people from deprived and marginalised communities and how such achievements are generally dismissed by politicians.

We then have a presentation by Professor Gina Porter and Dr Kate Hampshire of the Department of Anthropology to report on research they have recently completed. The title of their talk is: Exploring young people’s mobile phone usage in sub-Saharan Africa.

If you would like to know more about the study group and its members, and join in the debates, look at the Young People and Society Study Group pages on the St Chad’s website which can be located here.

Young People & Society Participatory Research Hub Training

‘Developing a Participatory Research Project’ Friday 23rd October 2015. 2:30pm – 5pm | CLC406 Derman Christopher room. Calman Learning Centre |Mountjoy | Stockton Road | Durham | DH1 3LE(#40 on map)

Would you like to develop a participatory research project with partners from theuniversity and/or other community groups, but are wondering where to start? Thisfree training responds to feedback from those who have joined the Hub so far thathas indicated a high level of interest in participatory research, but a need for morepractical training on how to make their own projects happen. This training will:

– Help you develop a practical resarch question for your project.
– Work through key steps for turning a research idea into a researchproject, including a plan for making it happen.
– Enable you to consider what methods are best, and how to overcome challenges you may face (e.g. obtaining funding).
– Provide opportunities to meet others interested in being partners in similar research, from other organisations/university.
– Provide opportunities for academics and community members to learn from each other, through practising participatory approaches.

2.30 Arrival, tea and coffee (10 mins)
2.40 Introduction
2.45 Framing and refining the research question
3.15 Methods
3:45 Tea/coffee & pastries (10 mins)
3.55 Overcoming issues, challenges and barriers (incl. ethical issues in carrying out the research)
4.25 Funding and follow-up
4.55 Conclusion

We have a number of people who have expressed a particular interest in youth and community related topics, and Investing In Children will be joining us on the day to share their research experience and expertise. We hope that this might be a way of supporting research to develop in these areas. To book your free place, please email, with brief details of any topic/s on which you might be interested in developinginto a participatory research project.

On the fringes of the “Northern Powerhouse”?

Tackling the challenges facing rural & remote areas in Northern England: A seminar organised by the Institute for Local Governance
Kirkley Hall Campus, Northumberland College, Ponteland, Friday 16 October 2015 9.30 – 1.00

This seminar will explore the economic, social and environmental challenges facing rural and remote areas of Northern England and consider the role the public, private and voluntary sectors must play to address them. Confirmed speakers include Professor Mark Shucksmith, Newcastle University; Professor Frank Peck, University of Cumbria; Graham Haywood, Director, Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership; David Sharrod, Director, Yorkshire Dales Millennium trust, Doff Pollard and Rita Lawson, Chief Officers, Tees Valley Rural Community Council; and, Professor Keith Shaw, Northumbria University. The seminar will be opened by Councillor Allan Hepple, Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Northumberland County Council.

The timing of the seminar is important, following the recent publication of the Government’s wide-ranging 10 point plan for boosting rural productivity. So, to achieve a strong regional focus, the seminar’s debate will centre on one key question – how will rural and remote areas be affected by proposed devolution to “Northern Powerhouse” Local Enterprise Partnerships (six of which work in or across the boundaries of Cumbria, North East England and North Yorkshire ).

The seminar will draw on policy analysis and case studies from across Northern England to explore how rural and remote areas are faring in a period of public sector austerity. But this is not merely an opportunity for people to complain or sympathise about the difficult social and economic situation people can face in rural areas. What we want to do is to debate what people in rural and remote areas should do about it and how to get their voices heard.

Below this top-line issue, we want people to discuss a range of themes including: business and finance, housing and community wellbeing, young people’s education and routes to the labour market, transport and communications, and maintaining a strong civil society. There’s also room for analytical depth, by discussing, for example: the difference between rural rich areas (where affluent urban commuters and retirees generally live) and rural poor areas (with a focus on housing, work, transport and health issues); the situation of isolated industrial towns and villages in rural areas (such as Barrow and Workington, Ashington, Loftus and Skinningrove); and, issues surrounding business and enterprise development in more isolated areas.

The debate needs to be wide ranging, so we’re interested in welcoming attendees with different perspectives: political, local authority, business and the voluntary sector. The seminar is free to attend, but places are limited and they tend to book up quickly, so please register your attendance via: Janet Atkinson, Institute for Local Governance, Durham University

The Institute for Local Governance is a North East Research and Knowledge Exchange Partnership established in 2009 comprising the North East region’s Universities, Local Authorities, Police and Fire and Rescue Services. Further information about the content of the event can be obtained by contacting:- or

The Power Point slides from this successful event can be downloaded here: Frank Peck,  Graham Haywood, Keith Shaw, Doff Pollard & Rita Lawson, Mark Shucksmith.

A Northern Echo leader article discussed the outcome of the seminar which can be found here.

Developing digital capability in small and medium sized businesses

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Policy Research Group and BMG recently published research on Digital Capabilities in small and medium sized businesses (SMEs). The digital economy is increasingly important to the UK; that means that all UK businesses, particularly small ones, should be able to confidently use technology, and trade online in the modern interconnected world. But a lot of small businesses are not making the most of the opportunities that are open to them, and the country risks falling behind in the global marketplace.

The research found that a quarter of SMEs do not possess basic digital skills; and there is a clear, positive link between digital skill levels and growth in sales. Not only do many lack the skills, however, but there is an attitudinal barrier amongst a large minority of SMEs towards developing an online presence; a lack of awareness about the benefits and opportunities available; and a lack of understanding about online security threats.

The rollout of superfast broadband is helping things, as long as small businesses get the training ad skills they need to get the most out of it. That means delivering courses locally through existing networks, and finding out what works well – to date, there has been a lot of activity in developing digital skills but very little evaluation of the impacts in business, or which delivery methods work best.

At the sharp end of small business growth

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The Policy Research Group recently presented their research on growth dispositions of small business owners at a mini-conference organised by the Department of Business Innovation and Skills at the Shard. The research, conducted in conjunction with the prestigious Enterprise Research Centre at Aston University, analyses why some owners want to grow their business while others don’t – ‘why many businesses fail to become more productive and fail to grow despite having the potential to do so’, as the research brief outlined.

A buoyant small business sector is vital to the success of the UK economy, but most small businesses never grow or, at best, achieve only modest growth. So, understanding the factors that drive and shape small business performance is a key concern for not just academics but also policymakers, helping them to devise more effective ways to overcome barriers to growth.
PRG researchers, Paul Braidford, Gordon Allinson and Maxine Houston contributed by  focusing on the way in which the owners presented narratives about themselves, their backgrounds and their important life events, giving insights into the sociological reasons lying behind their attitudes and behaviours. In particular their research suggests ways to try and shape more positive attitudes towards business growth – for example, by better informing the way in which business support is targeted and delivered, or developing ‘social spaces’ to promote networking between growth-inclined owners and those who want less growth. The full report is now available here: BIS-15-482-sociology-of-enterprise

In search of Middlesex

Middlesex Fresh Seafood

Fred Robinson and Richard Else are undertaking an intriguing collaborative project about Middlesex. They’ve worked together on all kinds of things in the past, but nothing quite like this. They wanted to explore a place that’s important but usually ignored –and decided they would focus attention on the North West London suburbs, the area covered by the old County of Middlesex.

Many people think of this area as a boring, monocultural suburbia: Metroland. But actually it’s a complex set of communities. It is home to more than two million people and is, in many ways, a successful part of London. It’s ‘multicultural’ and economically vibrant; it includes Heathrow and Wembley, and also Southall and Enfield.  Middlesex may not feature in travellers’ tales, but it actually has a lot going for it.

Fred and Richard want to celebrate the vitality, diversity and importance of this area in a book of photographs (by Richard) and accompanying text (by Fred). They’ve tramped around the area a good deal and gathered a lot of material.

Fred says: ‘We want to show people what the area is really like and why it is worth looking at and thinking about. We hope that the book, and perhaps an exhibition too, will appeal to a wide audience. We want people to think about changing cities and suburbs, geographies and cultures. And we’d like people to find Middlesex as interesting as we do’.