Category Archives: Uncategorised

Building young people’s resilience in hard times?

The second annual report on the evaluation of the O2/Telefónica Think Big programme has been published. The report, which forms part of a much larger study in five other European countries, shows that small scale youth-led projects help to build young people’s resilience at a time where prospects of employment are low. The programme provides young people, particularly from less affluent backgrounds, with positive experiences which help to bolster their confidence in hard times.

Read the report:’s%20resilience%20in%20hard%20times%20an%20evaluation%20of%20O2%20Think%20Big.pdf

Universities supporting disadvantaged communities

This project, supported by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, was about unlocking the potential of universities to support hard-pressed communities in difficult times. It aimed to encourage and challenge the universities to use their considerable resources to engage more fully and deeply with disadvantaged communities and respond to the issues facing them. Such engagement can undoubtedly benefit universities as well as communities.
A comprehensive questionnaire survey of all universities in the UK has been undertaken (85% return), followed by in-depth case studies of 30 universities. The research sought out good practice and identified barriers and opportunities. The project was led by Professor Fred Robinson, supported by Ian Zass-Ogilvie and Professor Ray Hudson, the University’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

The report is available on the JRF website.

Welcome to the New Website

Welcome to the new St Chad’s College website and domain!

welcome to Chad's

The brand new replaces our old website which was over ten years old and in need of an overhaul.

At the forefront of creating this new website was a desire to create a more attractive and user friendly online home for St. Chad’s, in some ways reflecting our unofficial motto: “vibrant and personal”.

The new website is broadly split into the following six sections:

About provides a general overview of college, including our history and profiles of the staff, tutors and fellows that help make Chad’s what it is.

The College sections includes information about our three  commons rooms, Chad’s Chaplaincy program and an overview of our college library, the largest of its kind in Durham.

Admissions contains information for prospective students, both undergraduates and postgraduates alike. Be sure to check out “Why Choose Chad’s” for a perspective of who we, as a community, are.

Chad’s is home to a research institute, Policy & Practice, committed to the promotion of Social Justice in the United Kingdom and beyond. Information about its expertise, publications and projects are available under the Research section.

Membership of Chad’s doesn’t end once your time at University ends and alumni are encouraged to keep in touch with College. The Alumni section contains information about alumni events, both in Durham and elsewhere, news and ways in which alumni can contribute to College.

Finally, the Commercial section includes information about Chad’s Bed & Breakfast accommodation and using College’s grounds for retreats, conferences and weddings.

We hope that you enjoy using the new website and, whatever your reason for visiting, you find it informative and easy to use.

– St. Chad’s College Web Committee