The College chapel is set aside as a place for quiet and reflection. All members of College are welcome to find peace and quiet here whatever your faith or belief.
There are also regular services held within the chapel which you are very welcome to attend. Look out for notices of special events and services throughout the academic year.
During undergraduate term-time there are weekday services:
- Mon, Wed – Friday 13:00 – 13:15, lunchtime prayers led by staff and students.
- Tuesday 13:00 – 13:25 said Eucharist
The College choir lead the music in chapel during term-time. The regular sung services are:
- Sundays 11:00 – 12noon Choral Eucharist (sometimes with incense) Coffee and cake served in the SCR following the service.
- Thursdays 18:15 – 19:00 Choral Evensong A popular service with traditional language and beautiful music, offering a time for prayer and reflection.
- Principal Feasts and Holy Days are celebrated throughout the year, see notices and the term card for details.
- Termly (Sunday) 19:00 service of Compline A beautiful, candlelit service of evening music led by the College choir is a great way to relax and unwind before the start of a new week.
- Seasonal services The Chapel hosts several special services during the year, including Remembrance Sunday, Christmas Carol Service and the annual Durham PRIDE service.
Please see the Chapel Term Card for full details.
Although the Chaplain is the regular president and preacher, other clergy and visiting preachers add their voices as well. Everybody is welcome at all our services and all baptised Christians are welcome to receive communion.
Students assist the Chaplain with the practicalities of running the Chapel. Students and staff read lessons, lead intercessions and occasionally contribute to the music. If you would like to help in any way with Chapel services please email or speak with the Chaplain.
Any collections from Chapel services are donated to the JCR’s charity of the term.