Much like its college, the Green Door Theatre Company is the smallest of its kind in Durham. However, as any Chadsian will tell you, size is not indicative of skill and Green Door actively persevere to embody the ‘Small but mighty’ ethos of the college.
Our aim is to engage Chadsians and members of the university with drama on many levels, whilst also entertaining our fellow college and university members. With opportunities for acting, directing, producing and getting involved in the tech, drama is an important and diverse part or Chad’s. Green Door produce at least one central play per term and take full responsibility for the college pantomime at the end of the Michaelmas Term.
Currently Green Door are the only DST (Durham Student Theatre) Company that exists as part of its college JCR. This means that Green Door benefits from a wonderfully close relationship with St Chad’s College and that Chadsians of all ages, from the multiple common rooms, profit from the opportunities that having their own theatre company affords them.
Green Door welcome actors, producers, directors and tech members of all levels of experience and skill. If you want to be involved we’ll find a way to get you working with us. Engaging, approachable and, most importantly, fun Green Door is a Theatre Company run by students for students and love doing what we do.
For Reviews of our most recent performances, look no further than here:
For information regarding our technical equipment hire, email the Green Door Technical Manager (details below) or Green Door itself at:
Green Door Executive Committee

Adam Hargreaves

Honor Halford-Macleod
As Green Door Theatre Company Vice President, my role is to support each member of the exec with their respective roles and to provide assistance to the president with organisation and casting. A specific new feature of my role is the general management of the Green Door publicity, the website and the social media. I also update the accounts with details of upcoming productions. Theatre has been a huge part of my life at Durham so far and I can’t wait for another exciting year for Green Door Theatre Company and am thrilled to be part of the exec for this year.

Richard Penny
As treasurer, I am in charge of the financial side of Green Door. My role involves overseeing the day to day running of the theatre company's accounts and coordinating any large purchases such as our new stage with the JCR and SocComm, as well as assisting and advising the producer of each show with creating and sticking to a budget.

George Heuck
As Green Door Secretary I take and circulate meeting minutes and help out as Green Door put on productions throughout the year. Getting involved in college theatre and productions with other theatre companies across the university has been a major highlight of my time at Durham

Chris Peng
Green Door's Technical Manager
As Technical Manager, I am responsible for the care, distribution and hire of all things technical at Green Door. I look after the lighting and sound equipment and aid the technical directors in using it for the productions. I am also in charge of hiring the equipment and the JCR's stage out across the university.