The Boat Club is the college’s rowing team, made up of men’s and women’s crews of all abilities. Whether you’ve rowed for years or are completely new to the sport, we’d love to welcome you into SCCBC!
Every year we take complete beginners and teach them to row, ready to compete against the other colleges in Novice Cup. Last year, some of our novice women went onto compete in the Durham Regatta. An incredible achievement for novices who only stepped into a boat for the first time last October!
Our senior squad is also thriving, with a women’s double competing in the Durham Regatta 2021, we were extremely proud. With the easing of restrictions we are now able to get back on the water, so are set for a very exciting season! If you have previous rowing experience, please feel free to get in touch with one of our captains to find out more.
Over the various lockdowns that the past year threw at us, St Chad’s College Boat Club continued to thrive, with our captains providing zoom workouts! This is a wonderfully inclusive club. We will be at the Fresher’s Fair and invite anyone who is keen to learn to row or cox to give this fantastic sport a go! Equally, if you already have experience then you can carry on your favourite sport here in a supportive, competitive, and social environment.

Jacob O'Loughlin
Boat Club Captain
My role as Club Captain involves overseeing the smooth running of our Boat Club. I coordinate a fantastic exec who help me ensure that our members get the best out of rowing at Chad's. From coxing our novices to liaising with other Boat Clubs, there's so much to get involved in with this rewarding role. Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions about SCCBC, I'm always more than happy to help!

Katie Tanner and Elle Jewett
Women's Captains
As Women's Captain, it's our role to coordinate the women's squad, organising outings and competitions for both novices and our growing senior squad. There's something for everyone at Chad's, whether you want to be part of racing crews or just have the occasional chilled outing. Feel free to drop us a message if you're an experienced rower wanting to carry on at Durham or if you're a novice with any questions.

Wei Tou Chiu
Men's Captain
As Men's Captain it's my role to organise the male rowers, including myself. This involves finding outing times for crews and making sure that they have a fun and productive outing. I also ensure that they understand what the Boat Club expects of them and that they follow that. Please feel free to approach me at any time with any questions you may have.

Megan Ramdenee
Captain of Coxes
As Captain of Coxes, my role includes training new coxes and ensuring that every outing has a cox. Drop me a message if you're interested in coxing, with or without previous experience!

Kanei Nishii
The task of getting rowers and coxes to pay their dues to this lovely Club is a never ending task and takes up the majority of my time in this role. However, I do also get the task of budgeting for Winter Ball, trying to get it on or under budget, and I get the final say on where the money in the Club gets spent.

Oscar Benton
As Boatman, I am responsible for the upkeep of the boats, boathouse and its equipment including the bikes. I also maintain the inventory of the boathouse. In other words, I fix stuff. Any problems with the equipment, or even if you’re not sure what something does, feel free to send me a message.

Phoebe Halpern
Sponsorship and Alumni Officer
My role as Alumni Officer involves working alongside college’s Alumni Relations Manager to nurture the Green and Gold Association – SCCBC’s alumni network. We will be working together to put on events for the alumni and current students, as well as organise the next Green and Gold Association dinner. Feel free to drop me an email if you are interested in knowing more about our Boat Club alumni network!

Sarah Paterson
As SCCBC Secretary I take minutes for our meetings, order the exec and team stash and organise anything else I can help with. Feel free to ask me anything at all!

Sarah King
Health and Safety Officer
As health and safety officer, I ensure the safety of the members of the boat club. I must know the rules of the River Wear, as well as capsize drills. I also complete risk assessments and ensure that every member of our boat club has passed the swim test.

Elena Watson and Thea Simons
Social Secretaries
As the Social Secretaries, we are responsible for making sure that Boat Club is fun! (Not that hours on the River Wear in the freezing cold aren't fun...). Our job involves organising regular socials, the annual Boat Club Winter Ball, and generally ensuring that Boat Club is welcoming and enjoyable to be part of.