Headed by Dr Eleanor Spencer-Regan, the new Senior Tutor, St Chad’s’ new college module “Perspectives” was successfully kicked off on Monday night, with a fascinating discussion on ‘Safe Spaces’. Over 100 Chadsians were joined in the Cassidy Quad by several visiting academics: Dr Mark McCormack, Dr Sara Uckelman and Dr Ben Douglas. Dr Douglas gave a brief talk on the legalities of freedom of speech, followed by Dr McCormack and Dr Uckelman offering their opinions on the issue, specifically regarding the right to offend, “trigger warnings” and the practicalities of safe spaces.

Having heard these views, we were encouraged to share our thoughts with those around us and to engage with each other’s opinions. It was really interesting; a chance not only to listen to perspectives you might normally disagree with, but also to discover why people held those beliefs.
The evening was a great success; what struck me the most was that in true Chad’s style everyone gave each other a fair hearing, everyone was respectful, and there was no bitterness or acrimony whatsoever. I’ve only been at Chad’s for two weeks, but Monday made me proud to be a Chadsian; I look forward to attending more Perspectives talks in the future.