Being a Governor at St Chad’s

Governor Job Description

The job description for a Governor at St Chad’s College can be found here. Incoming Governors are asked to ensure that they are content with the contents of this document ahead of election or acceptance to the role. For reference, the Chair of Governors’ job description is available here.

Official Documents

The Official Documents area of the College website contains links to the majority of College policies and procedures. Governors may find it helpful to have sight of the Governance section which includes the Memorandum of Association, College Statues and Governance Organogram along with the College’s Annual Reports and Financial Statements.

The Official Documents area of the webpage also includes the College Handbook (the reference document for current students) along with the College Strategy document.

Being a Trustee

Governors are encouraged to ensure they are familiar with their responsibilities as a trustee as outlined here in the Charity Commission’s The Essential Trustee document and in related documents here.

A series of 5 minute guides are also available from the Charity Commission at the link here which provide guidance and support around being a trustee.

Declaration of Interests

All new Governors are also asked to complete the Declaration of Interests form which is available here. This should be returned to

2018 Away Day Review

Documents provided here relate to the 2028 Governor’s Away Day. We hope they provide helpful context for new and continuing governors as reflect on our progress since the Away Day and aspirations for the future of our College.

Governor Away Day 2018 Reflections and Recommendations

Chair’s Report to Governor’s following the Away Day

Good Governance Report 2018