Academic publications by Policy&Practice research group members

Parker, S. and Liddle, J. (2024) ‘New development: Is Nolan enough? Why senior officers need to understand public values at the street-level perspective’,  Public Money & Management, 1–5.

Liddle, J. and Parker, S. (2024). ‘The struggle for linking strategic and front-line outcomes in local government service delivery’, Local Government Studies, 1–10.

Chapman, T. (2023) ‘Bouncing back: the employment of sector attributes to recover from crises’, in Rees, J., Macmillan, R., Dayson, C., Damm, C and Bynner, C. (eds.) Covid 19 and the voluntary and community sector in the UK: responses, impacts and adaptation, Bristol: Policy Press.

Liddle, J., and Addidle, G.  (2023) ‘Reframing ‘Place Leadership’: An Analysis of Leadership in Responding to the ‘Wicked issue’ of County Lines and Criminality within a Context of Post Pandemic Public Health Policing.’ In Research Handbook on Public Leadership – Reimagining Public Leadership in a Post-Pandemic Paradigm, edited by S. Brookes, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Shorrock, S., Parker, S., Addidle, G., Dimelow, M., Liddle, J., Martin, D., Proctor, T., and Olive, P. (2023) Standardising Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hubs (MASH): Building a Framework to Effectively Identify and Manage Risk. Emerald Publishing. Accessible here.  

Liddle, J., Shutt, J. and Forbes, C. (2023)  ‘Levelling up or down? Examining the case of North-East England,’ Contemporary Social Science18(3-4), 469-484.

Shand, R., Parker, S. Liddle, J.,  Spolander, G., Warwick, L. and Ainsworth (2023) ‘After the applause: understanding public management and public service ethos in the fight against Covid-19,’ Public Management Review 25,  8: 1475-1497.

Liddle, J. (2022) ‘The Changing Context of Public Governance and the Need for Innovation to Create Public and Social Value,’ in COVID-19 and Social Determinants of Health, edited by A. Bonner, 170–191. Bristol: Policy Press.

Liddle, J., Shutt, J. and Addidle, G (2022) Overview of Levelling Up and Build Back Better, in Liddle. J. , Shutt, J. and Addidle, G. (eds) Place Leadership and Governance to address social, economic and environmental issues: Leading and Governing ‘Places’ in a Post-Brexit world of ‘Levelling Up, Special edition., Local Economy DOI: 10.1177/02690942221099835 

Gibney, J., Shutt, J. and Liddle, J. (2022) ‘Brexit disruption and transborder leadership in Europe,’ Regional Studies. 55,9, 1596-1608.

Pellow, N., Shutt, J., Liddle, J. and Johnston, L. (2022) ‘Entrepreneurial Place Strategies: Implementing Enterprise Support and Economic Development Policies’, in Newbery, R., Baranchenko, Y. and Bell, C. (eds.) Entrepreneurial Place Leadership: Negotiating the Entrepreneurial Landscape (Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, Vol. 15), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 135-153. 

Elliot, I., Bottom, K., Carmichael, P., Liddle, J., Martin, S. and Pyper, R. (2021) ‘The fragmentation of public administration: Differentiated and decentered governance in the (dis)United Kingdom,’ Public Administration, 100: 98-115.

Liddle, J. (2021) ‘New Public Governance’, International Encyclopaedia of Civil Society, Cham, Springer.

Mawson, J., Demazière, C. and Hall, S. (2020) ‘Les métropoles Française vues d’Angleterre: un jeu entre l’etat et les notables?’ Chapter 2 in Demzière, C. et al., La gouvernance des métroples et des régions urbaines. Lyon: Inter Ministerial Research Programme PUCA.

Lindsey, I., Chapman, T. and Dudfield, O.  (2019)  ‘Configuring relationships between state and non state actors: a new conceptual approach for sport and development’. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics,

Mawson, J. and Griffin, M. (2019) ‘Research, knowledge exchange and impact: the experience of a university public sector partnership in North East England’ in Liddle, J. and Shutt, J. (eds) The North East After Brexit, London: Emerald Publishing, chapter 11.

Liddle, J. and McElwee, G. (2019). ‘Theoretical perspectives on public entrepreneurship,’ International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research25(6), 1308-1320.

Shutt, J. and Liddle, J. (2019). ‘Are Combined Authorities in England strategic and fit for purpose?’ Local Economy, 34(2), 196-207.

Shaw, K. and Robinson, F. (2019) ‘Whatever happened to the North East? Reflections on the end of regionalism in England’, Local Economy, 33(8): 842-861.

Shutt, J. and Liddle, J. (2020) Comparing the development of Local Industrial Strategies across the Northern Powerhouse: Key emerging issues,Local Economy 35(4):297-315, DOI:10.1177/0269094220959299

Liddle, J. and Shutt, J. (2019) The North East after Brexit, Impact and Policy, Emerald Publishers, Bingley, Yorkshire, UK

Shutt, J. and Liddle, J. (2019) Combined Authorities in England. Moving beyond devolution: Developing strategic local government for a more sustainable future?, Local Economy 34 (2), 91-93

Liddle, J. (2018) ‘Aligning vertical structures and horizontal relationships: collaborative leadership and accountability mechanisms to enhance economic growth in England,’ Local Economy,  32:2,

Chapman, T. (2018) ‘Assets and liabilities: what contribution can ‘positive intervention’ programmes make to the social mobility of disadvantaged young people?’, in G. Payne and S. Lawler (eds.) Everyone’s a Winner: social mobility in contemporary Britain, London: Palgrave.

Liddle, J. (2018) ‘Aligning vertical structures and horizontal relationships: collaborative leadership and accountability mechanisms to enhance economic growth in England,’  International Review of Administrative Sciences84(4), 659-674.

Lindsey, I. and Chapman, T. (2017) Enhancing the contribution of sport to the sustainable development goals, London: Commonwealth Books.

McGuinness, D. and Mawson, J. (2017) ‘The rescaling of sub-national planning: Can localism resolve England’s spatial planning conundrum?’ Town Planning Review, 88(2)  283-303.

Chapman, T. (2017) ‘The propensity of third sector organisations to borrow money in the UK’, Policy Studies, 38(2), 185-204.  http://10.1080/01442872.2017.1288901

Bowden, A. and Liddle, J. (2017) Communities leading, public sector enabling: Regional development in an era of austerity and ‘Big Society’- Regional Studies,  145-155 DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2017.1346369.

Chapman, T. (2017) ‘Journeys and destinations: how third sector organisations navigate their future in turbulent times’, Voluntary Sector Review, 8(1), 3024.

Liddle, J. (2016) ‘Public Value Management & New Public Governance: Key Traits, Issues and Developments,’ in The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe, edited by E. Ongaro and S. van Thiel, 967–990. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Liddle, J. and Ormston, C.  (2015) The Legacy of the Northern Way? Local Government Studies 41(4):1-18, DOI:10.1080/03003930.2015.1028623

Laffin, M., Mawson, J. and Ormston, C. (2014) ‘Public services in a ‘post-democratic age’: an alternative framework to network governance,’ Environment and Planning C Government and Policy,  32(4):762-776,

Chapman, T. (2014) ‘Regeneration through Social Enterprise: government-driven and community-led initiatives in Britain and Japan‘, in M Leary and J McCarthy (eds.) Companion to Urban Regeneration, London: Routledge.

Chapman, T. and McGuinness, B. (2013) ‘Consuming values in a social market: making choices about volunteering and non volunteering’, Social and Public Policy Review, 7(1).

Robinson, F. and Hudson, R. (2012) ‘Can universities really effectively engage with socially excluded communities?’ in P. Benneworth (ed.) University Engagement with Socially Excluded Communities, Dordrecht: Springer.

Robinson, F. and Braidford, P. et al. (2012) ‘Swimming against the tide: A study of a neighbourhood trying to rediscover its ‘reason for being’ – the case of South Bank, Redcar and Cleveland’, Local Economy, 27(3), pp251-64.

Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2012) ‘From ‘regionalism’ to ‘localism’: Opportunities and challenges for North East England’, Local Economy, 27 (3), pp232-50, 2012

Chapman, T. (2012) ‘Ideal Homes’, International Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home, London: Elsevier.

Liddle, J., McElwee. G. and Disney, J. (2012)  Rural transport and social inclusion: The Dales Bus Initiative, Local Economy 27 (1), 3-18,

Jones, M. and Liddle, J. (2011) ‘Implementing the UK Central Government’s policy agenda for improved third sector engagement: reflecting on issues arising from third sector commissioning workshops,’ International Journal of Public Sector Management24(2), 157-171.

Wilson, R., Cornford, J., Baines, S. and Mawson, J. (2011) ‘Information for localism? Policy sense-making for local governance’, Public Money & Management, 31(4) 295-299,

Chapman, T. (2011)  ‘Smoke and Mirrors: The Influence of Cultural Inertia on Social and Economic Development in a Polycentric Urban Region’, Urban Studies, 48(5), pp. 1037-1058. 

Mawson, J. (2010) ‘Social enterprise, strategic networks and regional development: The West Midlands experience’, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 30(1/2):66-83,

Chapman, T.; Brown, J., Ford, C. and Baxter, B. (2010) ‘Trouble with champions: local public sector – third sector partnerships and the future prospects for collaborative governance in the UK’, Policy Studies, 30(6), pp. 613-630.

Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2010) ‘UK urban regeneration policies in the early twenty-first century: continuity or change?’, Town Planning Review 81(2).

Pearce, G. and Mawson, J. (2009) ‘Governance in the English regions: Moving beyond muddling through?’, International Journal of Public Sector Management 22(7).

Mawson, J. (2009) ‘Local Economic Development and the Sub-National Review: Old Wine in New Bottles?’, Local Government Studies 35(1) 39-59,

Liddle, J. (2009) ‘The Northern Way: A pan-regional associational network’, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 22(3):192-202, DOI:10.1108/09513550910949172

Pearce, G., Mawson, J. and Ayres, S. (2008) ‘Regional governance in England: a changing role for the Government’s regional offices’, Public Administration 86(2):443 – 463.

Chapman, T., Crow, R. and Brown, J. (2008) ‘Entering a Brave New World? An assessment of third sector readiness to tender for the delivery of public services’, Policy Studies, 28(1), pp. 1-17.

Chapman, T., Forbes, D. and Brown, J. (2007) ‘They have God on their side’: the impact of public sector attitudes on the development of social enterprise’, Social Enterprise Journal, 2(1), pp. 78-89.

Mawson, J. (2007) ‘Regional governance in England: Past experience, future directions?’ International Journal of Public Sector Management 20(6):548-566,

Mawson, J. (2007) ‘Research Councils, Universities and Local Government – Building Bridges’, Public Money & Management, 27(4) 265-272,

Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2006)  ‘After the referendum: reforming governance in North East England’, Foundation, 3(1), 81-91.

Brown, B. and Liddle, J. (2006) Service domains–the new communities: a case study of Peterlee Sure Start, UK Local Government Studies 31 (4), 449-473 

Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2006)  ‘Governance in the post-referendum North East’, Northern Economic Review, 37, 5-24.

Robinson, F. (2005)  ‘Regenerating the West End of Newcastle: what went wrong?’ Northern Economic Review, 36, 15-42.

Robinson, F., Shaw, K. and Davidson, G. (2005) ‘“On the side of the Angels”: community involvement in the governance of neighbourhood renewal’, Local Economy, 20(1), 13-26.

Chapman, T. (2004) Gender and Domestic Life: Changing Practices in Families and Households, Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2003) ‘Who governs North East England? A regional perspective on governance’, in Cornforth, C. (ed.) What do boards do? The Governance of public and non-profit organisations, Routledge.

Pearce, G. and Mawson, J. (2003) ‘Delivering devolved approaches to local governance’, Policy & Politics 31(1) 51-57,

Robinson, F. (2002) ‘The North East: A Journey through time’, City, 6(3), 317-34.

Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2001) ‘Governance in the Health Service: who runs the NHS in the North East of England?’ Local Governance, 27(4), 175-96.

Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2001) ‘Governing a region: structures and processes of governance in North East England’, Regional Studies, 35(5), 473-78.

Robinson, F. and Shaw, K. (2001) ‘Regeneration partnerships, “community” and governance in North East England’, Northern Economic Review, 31, 4-19.

Robinson, F. and Jackson, M. (2001) ‘Deprivation in the North East’, Northern Economic Review, 31,  38-55.

Chapman, T. (2001) ‘There’s no place like home’, Theory Culture and Society, 18(6), pp135-146.

Mawson, J. and Hall, S. (2000) ‘Joining it up locally?  Area regeneration and holistic government’  Regional Studies Vol 34, No. 1, pp 67-79.

Mawson, J. et al. (2000) Devolved Approaches to Local Governance: Policy and Practice in Neighbourhood Management, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Mawson, J. et al. (2000) Devolved Approaches to Local Governance: Policy and Practice in Neighbourhood Management, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Chapman, T. and Hockey, J.(1999) Ideal Homes? Social Change and Domestic Life, London: Routledge.

Chapman, T. and Hockey, J.(1999) ‘The ideal home as it is imagined and lived’, in T. Chapman and J. Hockey (eds.) Ideal Homes? Social Change and Domestic Life, London: Routledge, pp1-14.

Chapman, T. (1999) ‘Spoiled home identities; the experience of burglary’, in T Chapman and J Hockey (eds.) Ideal Homes? Social Change and Domestic Life, London: Routledge, pp133-146.

Chapman, T., J. Hockey and M. Wood (1999) ‘Daring to be different/ Choosing an alternative to the ideal home’, in T. Chapman and J. Hockey (eds.) Ideal Homes? Social Change and Domestic Life, London: Routledge, pp194-209.

Chapman, T. (1999) ‘The Ideal Home Exhibition: conventions and constraints on consumer choice in British homes’ in J. Hearn and S. Roseneil (eds.) (1999) BSA Explorations in Sociology: Consuming Culture: power and resistance, Vol. 55, London: Macmillan. pp 69-90.

Mawson, J. and Hall, S.  (1999) Challenge Funding, Contracts and Area Regeneration, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.