Third Sector Trends ‘One Question Survey’

We’ve launched our reports from Third Sector Trends today.  But we wanted to ask one of our questions again to see how people are feeling now following the onset of the Covid-19 crisis.

Here’s the link: One Question Survey

It takes less than a minute – unless you want to tell us something more – as many people do:

“I am concerned that there seems to be a lot of micro-grants around to help people and community organisations through Covid-19, but very little for the medium-sized organisations to ensure that their long term service provision remains available.”

“It’s tough at the moment but we have learnt new things and more remote working will continue. It makes us more agile and suits our team. And we must all work in collaboration to help the increasing numbers who need our support.”

“All of our charity members and volunteers are all in the “Third Age” Many are shielding and most are very concerned about resuming normal activities until a vaccine is available. Social distancing would be impossible for 80% of our activities.”

“Reducing lockdown has so many unknowns. The pressure to return to delivering services had to be balanced with the welfare of volunteers. The potential of a second wave of infection increases anxiety levels.”

“The strains on households during the recovery are going to be huge. As we deal with the elderly who have been in lock down they are now very worried about leaving their homes. We need to continue to look after their welfare.”

“Small charities like ours will really struggle to gain grant funding, as the focus of funders has changed to Covid-19 work. Our work is as important and has been for over 25 years, as we go to see our clients in their own home offering long term help and support to have a quality of life.”

“Donations from individual members have increased, but donations from visitors has inevitably decreased. None of the ‘help’ put forward to be applied for by the Lottery or Historic England fits our situation. When you have stood on your own two feet and never had their help, you can’t show a track record to meet their criteria.”

“We support disabled people to run a cafe. Don’t know when we will get back as can’t see how we can socially distance and support at the same time.”

Here’s the link: One Question Survey

And if you want to see our reports from the North East and North West of England or Yorkshire and Humber click this link: Third Sector Trends in the North