Is self reflection the key to success for charities?


For the last five years, Professors Tony Chapman and Fred Robinson have been developing methods to examine what makes charities successful. In 2010 a report was published which attempted to categorise organisational practices. Twenty categories were devised, divided equally between four main headings: foresight, enterprise, capability and impact. 50 organisations in the Northern Rock Foundation Third Sector Trends Study were scored against each of the categories.

Read the 2010 report:

Read a summary of the 2010 report:

A second study two years later explored how these 50 organisations had fared in difficult economic circumstances. On the basis of the analysis, Chapman and Robinson identified 10 ‘critical success factors’ and produced a framework for self reflection for charities to try out. The problem is, it is not known whether complying with critical success factors will protect charities from competition in the social market or political and economic turbulence. That is the subject of the final phase of the work in 2014-15.

See the self appraisal framework:

Read the 2013 report: