On the money? How do charities think about finance?


Professors Tony Chapman and Fred Robinson recently completed the second phase of the Northern Rock Foundation Third Sector Trends Study. One element of the study which has caught the imagination of the sector and its supporters is their recent working paper, On the Money. This paper explains how new finance can do charities harm if they don’t think carefully about why they are taking on new contracts or grants. The paper argues that good organisational governance does not just mean chasing money, but thinking carefully about what the charity wants to achieve for its beneficiaries and to ensure that staff and volunteers are properly resourced, capable and motivated to do new things.

Read the report: http://www.nr-foundation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/on-the-money-final.pdf

See the news story: http://m.thirdsector.co.uk/article/1193679/money-become-end-itself-charities-says-new-paper