Target of 1,000 survey questionnaires is reached in Yorkshire

In June 2013, Involve Yorkshire & Humber launched its Third Sector Trends Study on line. The study, which is being undertaken by Professor Tony Chapman, aimed to reach 1000 charities and groups across the county and this target was reached in early October. The study replicates many of the questions used by Northern Rock Foundation Third Sector Trends study. In coordination with Big Society Capital, a new set of questions was introduced to assess the extent to which charities’ assets affect the way they plan for the future.

Early analysis shows that charity assets (or property or investments) do shape the way charities consider and act upon new opportunities. A strong foundation of assets is certainly beneficial from the point of view of those organisations, such as Big Society Capital, who want to encourage charities to take loans or get involved in social finance initiatives. The problem is that very few charities have any tangible assets and fewer still are currently interested in borrowing money. The research will be published in January 2014.