What future for Local Government?

A research team led by Maxine Houston and Fred Robinson has now completed a major new study looking at the future prospects for local councils in North East England. This research was commissioned by the Association of North East Councils and the Institute for Local Governance in response to the pressures facing councils as a result of spending cuts and increasing demand for local services.

The research found that councils in the North East have, so far, managed to cut costs while generally protecting key services, but now have little room manoeuvre. It looks like they will have to focus very largely on delivering statutory services to those in greatest need, with much less scope to provide other services that people expect and often rely on. We conclude that central government needs to clarify what the future role of local government is to be and also review how it is financed – given widespread concerns in the North East and elsewhere about the perceived unfairness of the funding system.

The research will be launched on 11th March in Newcastle, at the North East Local Government Association’s regional event Rewiring Public Services.